
Raising Chickens for Prepping and Survival

Raising chickens for prepping and survival is such a practical idea, especially in today's uncertain climate. It's great to see people thinking ahead and being prepared. Thanks for sharing the link to the article—it looks like a valuable resource for anyone interested in self-sufficiency and homesteading.For those looking to learn more about raising chickens, the FAQ section at https://expertchicken.com/faq could be really helpful. It might cover topics like chicken breeds, coop building, feeding, and health care, all of which are essential for successful chicken keeping.
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I had to dig this thread up because I read this morning that there is someone in New Hampshire renting chickens so people can have their own eggs. The article said they furnish two hens and a coop, feed, etc. The article said you can expect about a dozen eggs a week (must be good layers!), so there you go!
There is actually an ordinance in the big city suburb I live in where 5 chickens ( hens only) are allowed to be raised.
It states for “food purposes”, but for noise considerations, roosters are not allowed.

I was surprised actually when I saw a loose hen running my yard. Then I learned of the law here
I live in a free suburb. The people behind me have roosters. I like the sound.

On a side note, I would be crap at this because I would name them all and have them living in the house within hours of getting them home. I’d probably name them after some of the reprobates on this sight. I’d name the one-eyed chicken BassCliff and you know that other one named BassBob would live a miserable life with all the kicks up the ass he would get. KillerChicken1977 would be running for his life every Friday during range time. He’d bring a whole new meaning to free range chicken. ChickenforLife would be that ornery one that chases you every time you try to move him off the couch. And as for that other moody one Chickenator…
I live in a free suburb. The people behind me have roosters. I like the sound.

On a side note, I would be crap at this because I would name them all and have them living in the house within hours of getting them home. I’d probably name them after some of the reprobates on this sight. I’d name the one-eyed chicken BassCliff and you know that other one named BassBob would live a miserable life with all the kicks up the ass he would get. KillerChicken1977 would be running for his life every Friday during range time. He’d bring a whole new meaning to free range chicken. ChickenforLife would be that ornery one that chases you every time you try to move him off the couch. And as for that other moody one Chickenator…
You may not be aware of this, but chickens stink. Chicken coops and chicken runs stink. Unless you are really on top of it. I don't think you would want chickens in your house.
Stick with kitties bro.
My house currently.