It had been far too long since I put some lead downrange, so I took the opportunity to drive through the poo to West Fargo, where the range I now belong to is located. It was the maiden voyage for both the XD Mod3 and the HK45C.
Because I am a new member, an RSO had to go over the safety rules and rules of the range with me. The RSOs and everyone who works there are all volunteers and the range itself is maintained by volunteers and donations. They sponsor many events and fundraisers, and it seem like the community is quite generous with their donations. They have completely renovated the handgun range, and they built a new rifle range which is under ground. They have classrooms and are adding on a spacious training facility beginning this year. I like how there is more than one RSO on duty most days and they do not put up with idiots. I still avoid the ranges on the weekends, but this one is just down the road from where I work...very convenient.
Okay...enough talk.
I started out with the XD Mod3 and used my free target for the first magazine.
Not horrible. The gun feels really good. Shot at 10 yards with Federal American Eagle 124gr and the gun shot great, no issues. Looks like it's accurate too, even with my inaccuracies
Next I used the last target I had from the other range. I ran the other two mags at it, Swiss cheesed it but good
Next up was the HK45C. I was really looking forward to shooting this one. I used another old target I had in the back of the vehicle.
Oooooh, really nice shooter! It's a good thing I always wear crew neck shirts to the range, because that thing threw every spent casing out onto my boobs (yep, I said boobs). I had to brush 'em off and I'm not big - I thought it was pretty funny...never had a gun do that so consistently before. I shot it at 10 yards also, using Federal 230gr. When the first mag was done the last casing stovepiped and I had to tip and rack it out. The second, third and fourth magazines fed flawlessly and the slide locked back no problem. So aside from the little stovepipe thing, she shot flawlessly with no issues.
Only one went outside the gray, not too shabby. Nice smooth shooter. I am very pleased with it. I'm going to be practicing a lot more with this one for sure.
I didn't hang around too long because the weather was supposed to close in again and I had errands to run
. I can see me stopping off after work a couple times a week though. This place may become my second home once I retire...
Because I am a new member, an RSO had to go over the safety rules and rules of the range with me. The RSOs and everyone who works there are all volunteers and the range itself is maintained by volunteers and donations. They sponsor many events and fundraisers, and it seem like the community is quite generous with their donations. They have completely renovated the handgun range, and they built a new rifle range which is under ground. They have classrooms and are adding on a spacious training facility beginning this year. I like how there is more than one RSO on duty most days and they do not put up with idiots. I still avoid the ranges on the weekends, but this one is just down the road from where I work...very convenient.
Okay...enough talk.
I started out with the XD Mod3 and used my free target for the first magazine.
Not horrible. The gun feels really good. Shot at 10 yards with Federal American Eagle 124gr and the gun shot great, no issues. Looks like it's accurate too, even with my inaccuracies
Next I used the last target I had from the other range. I ran the other two mags at it, Swiss cheesed it but good
Next up was the HK45C. I was really looking forward to shooting this one. I used another old target I had in the back of the vehicle.
Oooooh, really nice shooter! It's a good thing I always wear crew neck shirts to the range, because that thing threw every spent casing out onto my boobs (yep, I said boobs). I had to brush 'em off and I'm not big - I thought it was pretty funny...never had a gun do that so consistently before. I shot it at 10 yards also, using Federal 230gr. When the first mag was done the last casing stovepiped and I had to tip and rack it out. The second, third and fourth magazines fed flawlessly and the slide locked back no problem. So aside from the little stovepipe thing, she shot flawlessly with no issues.
Only one went outside the gray, not too shabby. Nice smooth shooter. I am very pleased with it. I'm going to be practicing a lot more with this one for sure.
I didn't hang around too long because the weather was supposed to close in again and I had errands to run