
Range Report: Advanced Pistol Clinic, 3/10/25


Hello boys and girls!

It was a pretty dang good day today. After my morning workout and coffee I did a little yard work and gave the apple tree its late Spring pruning. I hope it survives and gives us a few apples this year. If not, Mrs. BassCliff wants to chop it down.


Then I got myself cleaned up and headed to the range for my class. This was another Advanced Defensive Skills Clinic. I like taking these because it's different every time, working on a wide variety of skills and scenarios. We chatted a bit in the classroom then made our way through the lobby to the range.


The first exercise was varied distance shooting. We shot from 15 yards (1 shot), 12 (2 shots), 10 (3 shots), 7 (4 shots), then 5 yards (5 shots). Then we did the same thing in reverse.



As we retreated, the instructor start calling head shots. After all was said and done, my target looked like this.


Believer it or not, my instructors told me that hole in the circle was a ricochet. I'll take their word for it. That hole doesn't look like the others.

Our next exercise utilized this bad guy target and 90° pivots. We started at 7 yards, then 10 yards. They also darkened the range so we could use our flashlights. I start with the FBI hold up high until the target is identified, then draw, and use a Harries hold when firing. (Some people like the Graham technique but I'm not practiced up on that one.)


Then the instructors moved the carriers back to 15 yards and started flipping the targets. We were to shoot 3 to 5 center mass when presented with a threat.


Sometimes they'd flip the target backwards so all you'd see is a blank page, i.e. no threat/no shoot.


Then they started calling head shots. Those are still a little tough for me at 15+ yards. You see I let a few go wide.


Hmm, that bad guy looks a little like Walter Cronkite. In between drills we all get back to the bays to load up or magazines. I used just shy of 200 rounds for this class. Sometimes I'll save a few rounds on the "3 to 5" call and only shoot three or four.


Our next exercise was all at distance, 15 to 20 yards. Numbers or colors were called and each command determined how many shots to use. We pivoted on this exercise also, recognizing the target first, getting square to the target before the gun cleared kydex.


I was rushing a bit and you can see my shots going wide. Slow down Cliff!


Now we're getting another fresh set of targets for our next exercise around the barrels.


In this scenario there were four different drills involved, Bill Drill, Failure To Stop, Single Head Shot, and 3 to 5 Center Mass. Any of these could require Strong Hand Only. It all depended on the student and the instructors commands as you ran the exercise. Each different drill would be utilized while moving from one barrel to the other.


One of my classmates was kind enough to take a video of my efforts. So without further adieu, here's the Old Noob himself, BassCliff, in action.

My drill as called: 1) Strong hand only head shots. 2) Bill Drill. 3) Failure To Stop. 4) 3 to 5 High Center Chest. I guess that was a pretty good run. My instructor told me to "keep moving" during my second mag change. I fumbled a little because I had to reach around to my backup mag holder on my back. He said I made all my head shots except for the very first one, which was a little high. Otherwise he was pleased.

For the last exercise of the class we ran the Fletcher's Drill for patches. I already have the "Intermediate" patch so I thought I'd try for the "Advanced" patch.


This test involves two targets. Using two magazines with 5 rounds each, three to the chest, two to the head, slide lock reload, then three to the chest and two to the head on the second target, remembering to "get off the X" when drawing and reloading, ending with "search and assess".

This guy got his advanced patch tonight. He's also is very involved in IDPA competition shooting.


My targets looked pretty good but I did not win any new patch tonight.


My second run I totally fubar'd. On my slidelock reload I inadvertently ejected a live round, which I needed to complete the series. I did not notice that my slide moved forward and chambered a round when I slammed the magazine in the pistol (it does that occasionally), so I racked the slide anyway. When I saw that cartridge sail across the range I knew I was toast. :LOL:

But it was a fun night and I was happy to practice these skills to keep them fresh and help build muscle memory. Let's take one more look around to make sure I didn't leave anything behind.


There you have it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm hoping to get out and practice again this week but I might be too busy. If not, I'll be sure to spend some more time with my Mantis-X and G-Sight laser cartridge. Thanks for hanging out with me. Everyone be careful out there. Blessings to all.

Thank you for your indulgence,

i find it interesting how your range looks like mine and many others, where as the ceiling gets shot up.

on the target carrier your has, they use that same fold down target holder, like mine..the RSO (the nit picker i do not get to actually see very often, thank God) drew a line across that holder....he said that if any shoots above that line, they get stopped and have to go and pay for instruction.

he could be right, but he is not the owner, there are already 3 of those, a husband/wife, and thier partner.

however, i have seen experienced shooters go above that line, once in a blue moon. you ain't gonna push that issue with a club member or experienced shooter.....at that place. we pay a yearly membership fee, where as the others pay as they go, and shoot up the place. i know what i have seen.

its the first timers that ought to get instruction....if they refuse, then i do believe they get sent away..........till the next time they go there.

i even seen the ceiling area under the canopy at my state's free outdoor range

control of the gun on recoil is paramount, and i do believe that newbies still have thier finger on the trigger when they fight the recoil, and let off a round or 2.

i find it interesting how your range looks like mine and many others, where as the ceiling gets shot up.

on the target carrier your has, they use that same fold down target holder, like mine...

however, i have seen experienced shooters go above that line...

I don't think I've ever seen an indoor range that doesn't have holes in the ceiling tile. Actually, this range got a new carrier system about a year ago and the ceiling tile was replaced. It looked good for about a week. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those ceiling hits are from shotguns. Buckshot, birdshot, and target loads tend to spread out. You might notice fewer holes as you get closer to the bays. Still, I'm sure rookies and carelessness take their toll.

We can rent those target holders but I paid $5 for the privilege of owning mine. When using some of my targets, the head shot area lands above the bottom target holder line. I've hit my holder a few times so I put the same edge down all the time. I'll buy a new one of it ever gets too much damage.

We will get fined for hitting the carrier or the target attachment on the carrier. I'm pretty sure that willful abuse of the ceiling tile is a no-no also. I have avoided any fines, so far. :LOL:

First-timers at the range have to watch a safety video and sign a waiver. Still, some kind of "professional" instruction wouldn't be a bad idea for rookies. But that costs money. The RSO on duty will offer some pointers and try to keep everyone in line. Poo poo occurs. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,
