
Range Report: DSF104, 9/7/24


Hi guys,

Oh, this is nothing really spectacular. I've taken this training session a bunch of times. I like repeating it to keep these skills fresh. It's the USCCA Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Movement Clinic, movement, pivoting, putting hits on target, etc. We get to go beyond the bays, downrange for this session. I had my VP9 and 124 grain Blazer Brass. No issues with my freshly cleaned pistol.


You see the med kit there, just in case we have a "training accident". If you have to call 911, never say "shooting". If you do the SWAT team will come in to clear the building first and delay the paramedics from rendering aid.

It was a small class, only four. This was at 8am on a Saturday morning, which could explain the number of students. This was the only useful session I could fit into my schedule. I needed something because lately I haven't been able to get to the range for any practice time.


We were working at distances between 5 and 15 yards, center mass, head shots, numbers, etc, on command. The instructor told me to speed up. I guess I was being too accurate. :LOL:


Once we finished the "pivot" drills at various distances we started our "tactical stroll" exercises. On command we would walk between the 5 yard and 15 yard lines ("Front line!" "Back line!") then shoot on command. Sometimes we'd pivot 180 degrees, always checking to our left and right, making sure it was safe to shoot. I made this head shot from 15 yards.


Yes, my target on the right. Let's have a closer look. The instructor was proud of me. ;)


My hits on numbers 1, 3, and 6 were pretty good but I rushed #5 and it went low. Still, if I remember correctly, that was from about 10 yards so it still would've done some damage. We strolled up and down the range, shooting, pivoting, reloading, and generally having a good time. We made a bit of a mess, brass and magazines all over the place.


It's a fun class to take. I'll have the DSF105 course again next month. Hopefully I'll be able to get in some practice time too. Thanks for letting me share.

Thank you for your indulgence,
