DEROS 1967: Served three years in Army 64/67. Married 6 months later, and was headed to family farm in Rochester Indiana. While driving my dark green Olds 2door 98; I noticed a car behind me with 2 guys getting closer; as I was driving 60 mph on a two lane asphalt road I felt maybe I should slow down and allow them to pass. As I did so they pulled up next to my drivers side door and the passenger was yelling and pointed a chrome plated (38 caliper I believe) at me. My wife became scared and told me “ maybe we should stop and find out what they want?” Obviously the wrong choice, so I continued at the same speed not knowing if this guy would fire at me; I tried not to appear scared but he was almost at arms length; with a revolver. I had just purchased a Colt Cobra which I used at the farm for target practice so I kinda knew what he had in his right hand. As it turned out the country road had some turns and curves. I did not turn onto another road out of fear they would stop and pursue me again and maybe decide to stop threatening me but actually fire the weapon. As it turned out there was two other vehicles oncoming in the opposite direction so they sped up at a high rate of speed and disappeared from my view. I calmed my wife down by telling her it was just two teenagers having fun scaring other drivers; and that it may not have been a real pistol. It worked with my wife but being ex-military my situational awareness was awakened to a point where even 50 + years later I watch ever one driving or entering my circle of awareness. Sometimes the difference between a beautiful sunny day and a funeral home is measured by 3# lbs pull on a trigger.