
Reloading during a Gunfight

Good article. When I am practicing the reload, sometimes I have a ‘brain freeze’ and get the reload sequence out of order. The only cure I know of is to practice, practice, practice. You never know when you may need to reload. Thanks for sharing!
What bothers me is how do you let yourself get in to freakin' gunfight?
How many innocents are caught up in all these bullets going up and down
range? Somebody needs to call a truce..... and more range time..... IMHO
Muscle memory is the only way to make sure you're able to re-load calmly during a gun battle. Adrenaline will have your brain overloaded and higher brain functions aren't going to work so well. the only way to obtain muscle memory reload skills is repetition, repetition and more repetition. If possible, it should be done with a high heart rate, like after running or something akin to that to better simulate how your body is going to feel with that sudden adrenaline dump. The ex-military guys I used to work with were always the champs when it came to tactical re-loading. The range master would run everyone around the grounds for about 5 minutes then have everyone shoot at targets and do re-loads while your heart was still racing. I noticed the ex-military people always seemed to be able to master that skill quicker than everyone else.
I use a timer to practice stuff like this at home.

Set the timer for two beeps. At the first beep, you begin the reload, by the time the 2nd beep goes off you should be back on target. The time between the beeps will depend on how good you are. Once you are consistently meeting the timer, shorten the time between beeps.

If you don't have a timer you can still practice this. Also at some point make finding cover while a part of this process. Recognize you are running low, start moving for cover, perform the reload behind cover.

Always remember safety first----no loaded magazines in the room while doing this. Clear the weapon before you ever start.