
Remington Model 760

One of my very first high power rifles was a 760 Gamemaster in .270Win. Bought it back in the early 70's IIRC (about 1971-2 I think). I really liked the rifle and it was as accurate as most any bolt gun I've owned since. At the time I also had a Mod94 in 30/30 that my wife had bought for me the first anniversary, but where I hunted back then was mostly open pasture land where shots were typically over 100 yds, so obviously the little lever gun just wouldn't cut the mustard out there. I still own the mod94 51 years later.

Unfortunately I sold the 760 after a couple years in order to buy a brand new 700 Classic, also in .270 which I still own today. Doesn't get used much since I've not hunted for several years, but it still holds a prominent slot in my gun safe. Along with a Redfield scope I mounted when I got the rifle, it's still 'ready, willing, and able, to take just about anything in North America, if only I still could.

Oh well, time marches on for us all! That's just something to ponder on y'all.:)

I've mentioned before I'm a south-paw, and at the time the pump just seemed a better fit for me than a right handed bolt gun. I had already learned there was not a lot to pick from in true 'left handed' guns, especially long guns, so I just threw in the towel and started getting better with a right handed bolt. Today, I'm probably as fast with a second or third 'well placed' shot from a right handed bolt gun as most right hand shooters are with the same gun. I just have to do it in a way that looks kinda' 'cockamaimy'. But I get it done.

Way back in the early days when I wasn't as proficient with a right hand bolt, it gave me plenty of opportunities to better my tracking and stalking game. I often played the sniper game with big game animals, (one shot/one kill), and didn't often need a second shot. And actually that was as much a hold-over from my young/early days hunting with my dad when he would only allow me one cartridge at a time. He always emphasized a one shot, humane kill at every opportunity. But in all honesty, I've always regretted selling that fist high power, high velocity hunting rifle .... the 760 Gamemaster.
