
Returning Former Member


After several years I'm returning as a member. I was an active member a few years ago, but during the height of COVID, tempers flared, and I dropped out of the forum. But I always lurked as a non-member, reading posts every day. I interacted with a lot of the older members and have watched a lot of new members join over the last few years. I just want to get back into the action again. Over the years, sometimes I forgot that I had dropped out when I wanted to respond to posts that I was following and couldn't, as not being a member anymore! lol Anyway, I'll dip my feet back into the pool slowly. Oh, and I am using a different username. Maybe some of the old timers might be able to figure out my old handle as I post stuff down the road! It's good to be back.
And tempers do flare on occasion - I like the Armory, bit of everything to be discussed. some of the other online sites are real ego contests - make one choice they don't like and boom, all over you.. One of the worst things to set off riflemen is the "which cartridge is the best for XYZ hunting" it's worse than the 45 vs 9mm vs 40 thing. 270 vs 7mm mag vs 30 06 vs etc etc, boy they can get hot....lol I've abandoned some of those.
After several years I'm returning as a member. I was an active member a few years ago, but during the height of COVID, tempers flared, and I dropped out of the forum. But I always lurked as a non-member, reading posts every day. I interacted with a lot of the older members and have watched a lot of new members join over the last few years. I just want to get back into the action again. Over the years, sometimes I forgot that I had dropped out when I wanted to respond to posts that I was following and couldn't, as not being a member anymore! lol Anyway, I'll dip my feet back into the pool slowly. Oh, and I am using a different username. Maybe some of the old timers might be able to figure out my old handle as I post stuff down the road! It's good to be back.
Oh Jesus H. Christ....!!

I remember you......!!!

you were "Marine One".........or something like that..!!!

welcome back....

now drop and gimme 50.........
Oh Jesus H. Christ....!!

I remember you......!!!

you were "Marine One".........or something like that..!!!

welcome back....

now drop and gimme 50.........
Nope, but I was in the Marine Corps. Also, the Army. All of it as an Infantryman. My avatar is a MK 5 diving helmet. After I got out of the Marines, I became a commercial deep-sea diver. Did that for 12 years until I was nearly killed and crippled from an underwater explosion in 2006.
Welcome back sir. this place is full of Hi point and Buick owners now.