
Ronin 4.25 9mm vs EMP 4


I have been thinking seriously about the EMP for a while now, but the more I see of the Ronin the more attracted to it I am. It's going to be a cool weather OWB, most likely, carry so size does matter, but not as much as summer carry.

I would have given looks to the EMP two tone at one time. But the Ronin two tone really gets sexy marks too.

Does the common 1911 takedown with no paperclip, common 1911 magazines and lower price trump the slightly smaller grip size and length.

The texture on the front strap, not a big thing, I am not a huge fan of it. I prefer fine checkering. Ambi safety is an easy add. And I may even consider having a red dot added sometime in the future, my sights keep shrinking.

The price difference even makes the possibility of two buys, 638 maybe, checked off my list, so that could be consideration too.
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The Ronin is basically a commander 1911, which will take and use regular 1911 parts, magazines, The EMP is a scaled down 1911, with no part interchangeable between it and a regular 1911, being said, if you can handle both, see which one fits you better, I am partial to the regular 1911 myself, so I would personally pick the Ronin, just my opinion on this, whichever you choose, you won’t go wrong.
The Ronin is basically a commander 1911, which will take and use regular 1911 parts, magazines, The EMP is a scaled down 1911, with no part interchangeable between it and a regular 1911, being said, if you can handle both, see which one fits you better, I am partial to the regular 1911 myself, so I would personally pick the Ronin, just my opinion on this, whichever you choose, you won’t go wrong.
I like a commander sized pistol, it was the pistol I learned to shoot pistol with. My uncle had a Colt Commnder and a Smith JFrare and those were my first handguns to shoot.
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