
S&W M&P Shield EZ 9mm & EZ .380 Review: Easiest Racking Handguns?

I have to admit, my wife's EZ 380 still stove-pipes a couple times/100 rounds after 1000 rounds...I don't shoot it much, and she shoots it less than that. But she still likes it, and it's not a carry or HD gun, so we keep it. Those malfunctions are with cheap range ammo, BTW. Never ran trials with defense ammo. Now that 380 just dipped in price again, maybe I'll try some hotter ammo.
I have to admit, my wife's EZ 380 still stove-pipes a couple times/100 rounds after 1000 rounds...I don't shoot it much, and she shoots it less than that. But she still likes it, and it's not a carry or HD gun, so we keep it. Those malfunctions are with cheap range ammo, BTW. Never ran trials with defense ammo. Now that 380 just dipped in price again, maybe I'll try some hotter ammo.
They claimed the issue with the early models was the magazines. And they allegedly fixed that problem. I know people who claim to not have any more issues after replacing the mags with new ones. Might be worth a try if you're so inclined.
Love the EZ9 I bought for my daughter to use. She could rack others but they were tough.

There is a RECALL to check for both EZ 9&380 manufactured during March to November 2020 I believe. 2 pistols were found with cracked trigger mechanisms that allowed the gun to discharge when the grip safety was engaged. Mine is good.