
Saint Victor Pistol Dust Cover Replacement

I bought my Saint Victor pistol in January & have been upgrading a little. I want to put a new dust cover on but the new dust cover has a different pivot pin(?). Has anyone replaced the dust cover?
Please don't give me **** if this is a basic question. I just don't want to **** anything up.
Thanks in advance.
Like Killer said youtube! It will give you the best visual, but watch 2-3 vids not just 1. I don't have a SA Victor, but it looks like there are 2 screws on the bottom of the handguard for removal. NOTE: remove upper from lower, bcg and chargehandle from upper and no ammo in the chamber! Take a pic of the cover in closed and open position for reference. The pin holding the cover on could have a "C or E" style clip on it, so don't lose! Also note the cover spring on how it is applying tension on the cover when open( keeps it from flopping) and tension is only 1 direction! After clip is removed hold on too the cover and spring, then pull the pin/rod out in a forward direction(toward front of barrel). The reverse procedure for installation.