What is needed in the House and Senate is a constituent quorum threahold for the politician to cast a vote.
When a Bill is to be voted upon, there should be a mandate that the Politcian must vote how their constituency wants them to vote.
A quorum should be established.
Say XX% of the citizens in their districts or state.
Example, 5%.
100,000 folks in the community. If 5,000 or more votes come in for “No”, the elected official must vote no.
Anything over 5% of votes come and the politician must vote what the majaority of the vote is. “Yes” or No”. Anything less than the quorum threshold comes in for % of votes and the politician can vote how they want to vote since the constituency didnt give them the % threshold.
This will force 2 things:
- politicians to follow the will of the people in the district/state
- citizens to get involved in their own fate or have a voice for the elected official . If they dont send in a quorum vote, they have no gripe over how it was voted by their elected official.
When a Bill is to be voted upon, there should be a mandate that the Politcian must vote how their constituency wants them to vote.
A quorum should be established.
Say XX% of the citizens in their districts or state.
Example, 5%.
100,000 folks in the community. If 5,000 or more votes come in for “No”, the elected official must vote no.
Anything over 5% of votes come and the politician must vote what the majaority of the vote is. “Yes” or No”. Anything less than the quorum threshold comes in for % of votes and the politician can vote how they want to vote since the constituency didnt give them the % threshold.
This will force 2 things:
- politicians to follow the will of the people in the district/state
- citizens to get involved in their own fate or have a voice for the elected official . If they dont send in a quorum vote, they have no gripe over how it was voted by their elected official.