
She's not a re-loader…. per se, But she remembers!


Founding Member
Brought out a handful of nice shiny brass for the wife to look at. I was pointing out
how the pins cleaned out the primer pockets and the inside of the cases. I mentioned
how much I enjoyed using the wet method with the pins. Now mind you she doesn't
re-load, let alone clean the brass!

Going on. I asked her if she remembered Indiana and how..... I'm very quickly interrupted!
She says, "Yes I remember you using those shells to clean them and me sitting there for
hours with a toothpick cleaning out that primer hole!" Wasn't really hours, well a couple.

As you can see, not a fond memory for sure. If you're not using the wet pin method you
may want to reconsider it. After all it is wife approved and when Mama's happy, everybody
is happy!
You must deprime before you tumble?

I deprime after, never had an issue...
I used to deprime first to get the primer pockets a little clean. That was with the walnut shells.

Now I do a 1 hour quick wash to get the crud off the brass. Use a little Dawn. Dry
Then I size, decap and expand.
Final wash, Dawn + Lemi Shine, 2 hours. (Real clean primer pockets!) Dry
Finish the reloading process.

Never used to do the primary wash until a guy mentioned he didn't like all the crud around
his press. Well it takes a little extra effort but the press is cleaner and so are the dies.