
Should not, will not, and the Canadian border protest


Now right at the start this thread is NOT about Vax no Vax, or Mandate no mandate arguments.

What it is about is two things, It should not affect my area worse than it is, and it will not affect my area worse.

It should not affect the area or me personally much worse than it already is. Which is to say, it's a pain in the butt. The past two days my commute has doubled, at least, in length. Trucks are all over, gas stations are packed with trucks, roads are clogged with truckers looking for alt routes, cannot use the freeway at all, cannot use over passes due to trucks clogging them, cannot travel to Canada, it's just an overall pain, but doable in the short term.

It will not affect the area more than it is. This one I am hesitant to say. I sent my wife out to get anything we might possibly need and to get groceries a few days early, this is our monthly shopping week. I have the feeling this all could disrupt our deliveries at the very least, or worse cause panic buying if things worsen, a definite possibility.

I am also hearing scuttlebutt that there is planning on the possibility of using police, or national guard to break this up and reopen the federal borders. If this happens, it could turn ugly fast. I have started driving the larger jeep and have added stuff to my regular car kit. Added extra food and drink, books, batteries, clothing, just in the of a meltdown and I have to rough it for a short time in the vehicle.

Possible? Sure, probably not likely. But if anything told me to take cautions, it's been the last couple of years, snd the reactions to not normal stressor like this. People seem to be right on the edge...
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I am also hearing scuttlebutt that there is planning on the possibility of using state police, or national guard to break this up and reopen the federal borders.
The southern border with Mexico has been wide-open for the last year, and the Border Patrol are being forced to serve a Uber-type drivers to bring in millions of illegals.

So, I'd head south vs. north. :rolleyes:

My state borders Canuck-Land and have one of the blocked border crossings. But no panicking here since we don't get many pineapples and bananas from Canada this time of the year.
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The southern border with Mexico has been wide-open for the last year, and the Border Patrol are being forced to serve a Uber-type drivers to bring in millions of illegals.

So, I'd head south vs. north. :rolleyes:

My state borders Canuck-Land and have one of the blocked border crossings. But no panicking here since we don't get many pineapples and bananas from Canada this time of the year.
I go anywhere for another household it's further North lol, not south. But this place in the country is likely our last abode, until our old age place near daughter.
No meltdown is going to happen because of the Canadian truckers.

The border was closed for almost 2 years due to Covid and neither country melted down.
Yep it was, this, here feels real different. Maybe it's all yap, but people here are getting involved and we hear of protests on this side. Like I said, should be cool, but this is feeling odd. Ever since the Governor and her covid stance, and other things she did or tried while trying out for VP nonination, certain segments have been really riled up. Many my govenor is a moron/idiot signs... At least here, I am not taking anything for granted these days.
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No meltdown is going to happen because of the Canadian truckers.
I don't believe the Canadian truckers are the problem. I can't say the same for the 2 current administrations-ours and theirs. I don't see how unarmed truckers could pull off an "insurrection" as Trudeau claims. It's his probable heavy-handed actions that will lead to some sort of a confrontation.
I look at it this way. They disrupt services and cause some frustration and hold a mostly peaceful protest. No riots, no arson, no looting, no assaulting people who end up in the right place at the wrong time. Regardless of my stance on the issue they are protesting, they are doing it properly and have my support for their right to protest. On the other hand them a$$%@(!s in Seattle, Portland, Chicago, NYC, etc, for the last 18 months have nothing but my contempt.
The situation will add to price inflation for certain items. Any freight crossing from Windsor to Detroit is obviously held up, as is freight crossing at Port Huron. When the buyers of those delayed shipments can't get them, the price for the end user goes up. Econ 101. I know lumber is huge out west, but I have not educated myself on the primary goods crossing at Detroit and Port Huron. The same concept holds true for goods leaving the US for Canada, obviously. That hurts the producers of those goods, harming the economy...temporary, but a headache none-the-less.
The Canadians cut plenty of their own timber in less environmentally sound ways than the US does in their west (BC & Alberta), Quebec & Ontario Provinces.

They ship timber to the US via the entry points in the west, but not familiar with cross-border lumber trade in the New England states.