
Situational Awareness Survival Skills

Thanks for posting Mike and good article from Michelle. This one hit close to home as this is exactly where I taught my daughter situational awareness. Salem, MA is a "Halloween town" and there are always folks dressed up in costume year round. As you can imagine, around October, there are so many people, it can get hard to move around. With this, comes the riff-raff. She knows some street performers there and goes to visit them so I needed to drill situational awareness into her. As mentioned in another thread, I know people that are absolutely clueless to what is going on around them. You really should know your surroundings. Especially in crowded area's.
This was my "Workplace" yesterday. It is a neighborhood in North St. Louis near Fairgrounds Park. Literally blocks and blocks of dilapidated buildings, roving bands of gang bangers and general debauchery. Police have abandoned these streets.


Great article. I’ll admit at times when walking around, at work, mall or to and from apartment to truck I find myself looking down. I have to force myself to keep my head up and scan the area for possible threats or just situations that I’ll get injured by. I will say I’m not the type of person to run head long into dangerous situations and believe in avoid and retreat to stay safe however I’ve been through the training on self defense and continue to learn and practice.
Very nice article and I realized I am very rarely white, yellow majority of the time, orange not to often. In public places I probably start orange then after some time back to yellow.
This was my "Workplace" yesterday. It is a neighborhood in North St. Louis near Fairgrounds Park. Literally blocks and blocks of dilapidated buildings, roving bands of gang bangers and general debauchery. Police have abandoned these streets.


Looks like the area the wife and I see from the cab on the way to the airport from downtown. We are huge Cardinal fans and my mom lives in So. IL. Stay safe
This was my "Workplace" yesterday. It is a neighborhood in North St. Louis near Fairgrounds Park. Literally blocks and blocks of dilapidated buildings, roving bands of gang bangers and general debauchery. Police have abandoned these streets.



I'll take mountains, forests and grizzly bears over all that any time.

Looks also like a set out of "The Walking Dead" to me.