

I also have a S&W 625 in 45 ACP and it’s a great wheelgun. The only downside if you have to load unload all 6 rounds with full mink clips (the half and 2 round clips are more of a pain) unlike a rimmed round unless you can run auto run brass which good luck finding factory AR.
I have two old 25-2s and a 1917 (actually, an M1937 Brazilian).

I refuse to call the 6-shot clips "full moons" as that makes no logical sense (although the 3-shot "half moons" kinda do). I call them "snowflake clips."

Much as I love Smith factory Target Stocks, I think they look stupid with skinny "pencil barrels" and fixed sights, so I put a Tyler T-Grip Adapter on the M1937, which I think looks a lot better and doesn't feel bad at all.

I've never been a fan of semi-auto cartridges in revolvers.
The only one I ever liked is the S&W 25-2 in .45acp. These were designed and build as target guns for the .45acp stage of bullseye competition. They are outstanding shooters in this capacity. I do own one. (y)