
Small gun shop survival.

Belt Fed

The small shops here are hurting for sales, i talked to one yesterday and he said the internet is killing them. they can't compete with PSA and others. sure they get a small transfer fee but it's nothing to compare what they would make if they had sold that gun. as a result the shops around me have little inventory, don't look like they will survive if things don't change. he said some places charge double for PSA transfers. i didn't ask why.

Bad as it is for them and good for us. Trump winning has hurt a little too. people are not panic buying or scared cause the other two clowns were threatening our gun ownership. so folks are putting off buying cause they pretty sure the guns they want will be around.

Now i'm guilty as anyone, i buy most accessories and about all ammo online, but not a gun. have bought a couple muzzleloaders online. hows the small shops in your area. i sure hope things pick up for em. hate to see any gun shop close down.
While what you mention is a big factor there are several other things I to play that can effect some small dealers.

One thing I see is some get into the business of FFl gun shop stuff because they think it’s easy and find out it isn’t, Amd don’t put in the time/commitmen.

One thing that tells me if a shop will fail is if the owner themselves has time for in-depth conversation with little Interruption then they will fail. If the other stores owner has to stop several times to andwer employees questions “go ahead order A mark it as price z, organize that area for ammo coming etc” the. They will be open in 5 years.

in other cases they or their gun counter folks irk customers thinking they know more and come across condescending instead of educational (yes gun customers can be a$$ hats too tats another thread)

But in any case it’s a tough market for about everything brick and mortar stuff these days people are just impatient about everything
I guess the rotten economy has been keeping people from buying too, Us POOR folks just can't afford the good stuff. 😁
frankly, i have sold off quite a few of my guns...i am hoping to buy another 1911 or 2, and maybe a couple of 9mm's.

there might be another Glock in my future, maybe a G19

but i don't care about buying online anymore..i did that during the scandemic, when some guns were not available locally.

i am in no rush to buy anything now anyways. but i'd rather pay a higher price and support the LGS than an online retailer.

sometimes shipping is free, but there are still sales taxes and a transfer fee.

in the end, i don't "see" way much savings buying online, then too.......will it be stolen in transit..???
I must be the only dinosaur gun guy left that does this.
Only cause yer dealer gives you minion twinkies

I don't buy gun stuff online. I understand about investment in inventory that sits on the shelves, BUT I for one am sick and tired of plastic fantastic everything. Maybe if they carried ammo other than 9mm, 5.56, 300 BO, and 762x39 I might stop by more often. When I bought my NAA Bug Out II, I wanted a Black Widow, no one would order one, cash in advance. No one would even try. Finally found Kittery Trading Post had the Bug Out. Bought it over the phone, put it on a card (another first for me) then drove 3/4 of the way acrost the state, 3 hours, to do the paperwork and pick it up. I like doing business local with small places, and willing to spend a bit more to support local businesses. However, if you can't help me out just a little bit to earn my money, don't cry on my shoulder if you go out of business.
I don't buy gun stuff online. I understand about investment in inventory that sits on the shelves, BUT I for one am sick and tired of plastic fantastic everything. Maybe if they carried ammo other than 9mm, 5.56, 300 BO, and 762x39 I might stop by more often. When I bought my NAA Bug Out II, I wanted a Black Widow, no one would order one, cash in advance. No one would even try. Finally found Kittery Trading Post had the Bug Out. Bought it over the phone, put it on a card (another first for me) then drove 3/4 of the way acrost the state, 3 hours, to do the paperwork and pick it up. I like doing business local with small places, and willing to spend a bit more to support local businesses. However, if you can't help me out just a little bit to earn my money, don't cry on my shoulder if you go out of business.
When I was stationed in New Hampshire I used to go to Kittery Trading post all the time. As I remember it was a nice store.
In my area of New Mexico we had 2 gun stores close in my town and one in Ruidoso NM and one in Hobbs NM. There are not many gun stores left.. Most of the time I will have to purchase online and have it sent to FFL. There is a Sportsman Warehouse 65 miles away in Las Cruces NM but really there isn't any mom & pop stores anymore thanks to our governor.
I don't buy gun stuff online. I understand about investment in inventory that sits on the shelves, BUT I for one am sick and tired of plastic fantastic everything. Maybe if they carried ammo other than 9mm, 5.56, 300 BO, and 762x39 I might stop by more often. When I bought my NAA Bug Out II, I wanted a Black Widow, no one would order one, cash in advance. No one would even try. Finally found Kittery Trading Post had the Bug Out. Bought it over the phone, put it on a card (another first for me) then drove 3/4 of the way acrost the state, 3 hours, to do the paperwork and pick it up. I like doing business local with small places, and willing to spend a bit more to support local businesses. However, if you can't help me out just a little bit to earn my money, don't cry on my shoulder if you go out of business.
i have bought quite a few things from Kittery Trading post...

i was going to take a ride up there with either a buddy of mine, or the wife, but for me it's at least a 4.5 to 5 hour drive.

but for the past 2-3 years now, i cannot handle rides longer than 30 minutes going one way.

i believe that's where the former RSO bought his DIllon 550c, which is the one i bought from him, NIB.........

i mostly order up to 4 gallons of Lead wash hand soap. cheaper from Kittery than at other places.
I must be different then you guys, I don’t buy guns online, I prefer to see and handle any gun before I buy it, I always support my local shops, plus the one I mostly deal with will match any price I may find on the web, I get all my accessories there also, I must be the only dinosaur gun guy left that does this.
If you have concerns as to whether you are or are not doing things correctly, there is a guy on the HY POINT thread that can get you on the correct path, rumor has it he is was the "BEST IN THE BIZ". LOL
I have a small LGS mom & pop shop in town that's fantastic. Small but fair amount of new and used guns of all sorts. If you are not in a hurry he'll order whatever you want and get it pretty quick. The last 2 firearms I purchased from them I got in 3 business days. His prices beat by far anything I see online or in any other store in the area. He's also given me fair prices on every gun I've sold him. I also had him oder me a Holosun HS507c-X2 because his price was ridiculously lower than anywhere else.

The biggest problem is they are getting older, as am I. What happens when they decide to finally retire? Well I’ll probably be done by then anyway lol.

Good prices on ammo too.

After that I have multiple other places within a half hour drive that are bigger and do pretty good also on prices.

I just need more money to play more. 🙄
I don't buy gun stuff online. I understand about investment in inventory that sits on the shelves, BUT I for one am sick and tired of plastic fantastic everything. Maybe if they carried ammo other than 9mm, 5.56, 300 BO, and 762x39 I might stop by more often. When I bought my NAA Bug Out II, I wanted a Black Widow, no one would order one, cash in advance. No one would even try. Finally found Kittery Trading Post had the Bug Out. Bought it over the phone, put it on a card (another first for me) then drove 3/4 of the way acrost the state, 3 hours, to do the paperwork and pick it up. I like doing business local with small places, and willing to spend a bit more to support local businesses. However, if you can't help me out just a little bit to earn my money, don't cry on my shoulder if you go out of business.
That's kind of the reason I started buying stuff on line to begin with. A lot of the guns I want you will never see on the wall of a LGS. I use two local gun stores for transfers and when I have a gun shipped to them for a transfer I always buy something else while I'm there, even if I don't really need it. Those two stores also both (Now, one at my repeated suggestion) sell AR parts. Stripped lowers and other accessories. And the one store almost always has bulk 9mm the same price or cheaper than you can get it online. I like to avoid shipping costs and support local businesses when I can, but I'll tell you right now I won't spend an extra $20 or $40 for an item just to support local businesses. I would pay an extra $8 for an extractor rather than wait for one to be shipped to me though. The ones that last are the ones that operate like a gas station does. Gas stations make almost no money off gas. They make the bulk of their money off cigarettes, soda, candy and other crap. The days of a gun shop simply having a selection of guns on the wall and a part time gunsmith and expecting to stay in business are over. It's like every other facet of life. Adapt and overcome or die out.
The small shops here are hurting for sales, i talked to one yesterday and he said the internet is killing them. they can't compete with PSA and others. sure they get a small transfer fee but it's nothing to compare what they would make if they had sold that gun. as a result the shops around me have little inventory, don't look like they will survive if things don't change. he said some places charge double for PSA transfers. i didn't ask why.

Bad as it is for them and good for us. Trump winning has hurt a little too. people are not panic buying or scared cause the other two clowns were threatening our gun ownership. so folks are putting off buying cause they pretty sure the guns they want will be around.

Now i'm guilty as anyone, i buy most accessories and about all ammo online, but not a gun. have bought a couple muzzleloaders online. hows the small shops in your area. i sure hope things pick up for em. hate to see any gun shop close down.
The LGS I shop at says the same. In fact they refuse to accept transfers form several Online outfits like Bud's Gun Shop, Cheaper Than Dirt, Grabagun, Palmetto State Armory, and Sportsman's Guide. They say that they'll order any gun that these places have. I've argued with them saying that I have orders with them that have been in place for a year or more, that I see online available at the current time, but still no go. Most of the time I don't mind waiting if they eventually get it (it took 2 years for them to get me the HK SP5K). I like to support local stores when I can (my LGS is reasonably priced and I don't have to put any money down until the gun arrived), and I know there are other LGS's that I can order from these banned stores and get the transfer done. I have sent them online orders from Classic Firearms, GunZoneDeals, and PSA when they use to accept transfers for them. They even tried ordering a Staccato firearm I wanted, but Staccato only ships guns to preferred dealers. They did apply to Staccato to be an authorized dealership, but never heard back from them. 😟
I must be different then you guys, I don’t buy guns online, I prefer to see and handle any gun before I buy it, I always support my local shops, plus the one I mostly deal with will match any price I may find on the web, I get all my accessories there also, I must be the only dinosaur gun guy left that does this.
I am the same way Anni. I want to handle the firearm , squeeze the trigger , check the finish , and see if I can talk them down on price. I am a cheapskate and I am broke all the time.
As its been said,online may be a bit cheaper than going into a store,but I would rather spend a bit more at a gun store,just for the fact of actually going in talking to people getting to know them,as everyone knows you don't just buy and walk out always end up talking about this and that,or as I tell Kate "just popping out won't be long" lol