Belt Fed
Took two of em out and run some ammo through them. it occured to me that the H&K had never been sighted in. so i shot it single fire to get it in. like to never found my sight tool for H&K. the H&K needed moving but hit good at 10 yards in semi. the scattered targets is a 30 round mag on full auto. The other is a S&W 76, now it' fires from an open bolt. i thought accuracy was gonna suck with it and the sights are not adjustable. they didn't need adjusting and i was shooting it well on semi. now this is the first i have shot these in a long time. i was a bit rusty. I made some videos. trying to download them now. Bear with me. i have a lot to download and post. here's a teaser. yeah ii'm an old biker with long hair