
Smith & Wesson MP 12 shotgun recall


Founding Member
Happens to even some of the best companies

Faulty barrels for the new shotgun line.

As we have discussed in countless threads of faulty firearms and issues, its how you handle the issue is what sets companies apart.

Brand new line of shotguns just released.
Already being recalled 😬

Sh!t happens ….
I assume this is S&W's "New" shotgun that looks a whole lot like a couple of other shotguns that have been out and had the bugs already worked out of them for several years now? Only Smith's is double the price. :unsure:
Ahh… just noticed a thread stating this recall already.
Somehow overlooked it reading thru the posts.

My bad 😬
I think @KillerFord1977 just forgot his glasses that’s all…….