
Snubby Lifestyle

Nice article. Since retiring and living the relaxed life of the rural country gentleman, wife might dispute that her term tends to start with an A@@@@@E and end with an e. I find the smallish revolver to fit most of my needs.

When I put on my pants I slip the Taurus 380 in my hip pocket. If I am working out in the yard most often I will put the model 60 on my hip for a bit more distance in case the need arises. Matter of fact i generally have two pairs of pants ready at any given time, the work Cargos always have the model 60s holster on the belt.


I feel perfectly comfortable with this arrangement and my current lifestyle and routine of the occasional trip to the grocery store, pharmacy or hardware. Most of our shopping these days is even pickup and we do not even go inside.

Which is not to say I am not ready for more. There are surprises waiting at the homestead should a greater need arise, and when I have to take my wife to Dr's in the big city I tend to add a tad more fire power to my belt.

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I also enjoyed the article. Here in Maryland in the summer it can get really hot and muggy. I have a S&W model 38 that I can carry in a pocket holster. Shorts and a tee shirt with no printing in my pants pocket. And at 15 ounces unloaded, easy to cary comfortably all day.