
Snubby - why do you Snubby-?

My cancer medications are doing a great job in controlling my cancer.
The side effects of weakness, fatigue and balance is an issue
But I am not complaining
Just trying to Adapt- Improvise & Overcome

1) For the Snubby Revolver EDC fans - what keeps you carrying a Snubby-?

I am asking to learn
I EDC either a Snubby with wadcutters or SW EZ 380
So I am happy and proficient with both
Thank you
I carry a .380 snubby about 70 percent of the time in my hip pocket or jacket pocket. Why? I trust it to go off every time even pressed hard into an Orc it won't go out of battery. In cool weather the remaining time is a model 60.


I have carried a handgun most days since 1986. When I am off duty I am off duty and like the snub lifestyle as Darryl Bolke says because of a few reasons.

I have sporadic episodes of fatigue in the ole hips and back from my career. And a snub is light and will do the job fine. I’m not worried about carrying 15 rounds as I will run out of time before I run oh of bullets as I said I’m not kicking in doors. I’m just getting stuff at the grocery store etc.

It also doesn’t hurt I cut my teeth on revolvers and have a deep appreciation for them. I shoot them as good if not better than anything else and they are just cool Classic guns!
My cancer medications are doing a great job in controlling my cancer.
The side effects of weakness, fatigue and balance is an issue
But I am not complaining
Just trying to Adapt- Improvise & Overcome

1) For the Snubby Revolver EDC fans - what keeps you carrying a Snubby-?

I am asking to learn
I EDC either a Snubby with wadcutters or SW EZ 380
So I am happy and proficient with both
Thank you
Welcome to the forum from South Texas. My EDC usually is a SA Echelon in OWB holster and J-frame in a ankle holster.
Even though I can conceal carry my semi auto very well in 95% of most situations on my right hip OWB I will on occasion conceal carry my Taurus 357 snub nose revolver located just forward of my left hip “cross draw” configuration in a holster clipped to the inside of my belt. For me also very comfortable, concealable and accessible.
My cancer medications are doing a great job in controlling my cancer.
The side effects of weakness, fatigue and balance is an issue
But I am not complaining
Just trying to Adapt- Improvise & Overcome

1) For the Snubby Revolver EDC fans - what keeps you carrying a Snubby-?

I am asking to learn
I EDC either a Snubby with wadcutters or SW EZ 380
So I am happy and proficient with both
Thank you
Welcome to the forum, glad your treatments are working for you, I know what’s it like since I am doing a immunotherapy treatments myself. I used to carry a Ruger LCR in .38, great little gun
Welcome from Northern Illinois...
Happy your cancer meds are controlling your cancer.
I have been on maintenance cancer meds since my stem cell transplant in 2018.
I am 72 and I am too old to start a new caliber like a .380, so my S&W model 36 with two extra speed strips have done me well for 40 plus years.
1) For those that responded with words of encouragement- THANK YOU
2) For those who are. And have battle cancer - KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT - cancer can not take our attitude and being a positive influence upon others
3) For firearms- I appreciate the SNUBBY ability to provide different ammo options - for Florida- living near a lake - I can have snake shot and then WC for my protection needs
4) For firearms - I appreciate that my SNUBBY is operational when I am weak -&- my SW EZ 380 when I need greater accuracy
It’s just quicker to put a pocket holstered J-frame sized pistol in my pocket when I’m getting ready to walk the dogs. No fumbling around with holsters in pants, clips over belts, twisting to reach comfortable 5 o’clock carry position, etc. Loaded with hard cast wadcutters as if I ever had to use it during one of our walks, it would likely be on a dog size or smaller animal attacking us.

Now if I’m going a be a few hours+ carrying, it will be a Hellcat or Px4 on the belt, in either an IWB or an OWB built for concealment under an untucked button down shirt, loaded with 124g Federal HSTs.
To me, the J Frame Snubby is a pocket gun with a pocket holster. I know a lot of guys carry them on a belt rig, but to me as soon as you go to a belt holster you are better served with a K Frame Smith and Wesson over a J frame. Easier to get a better trigger job on it, better sights and one more round. With an inside the waistband holster, the only way a guy five foot five can really hide anything, a four inch hides as easy as a two inch. So when I am in revolver mode, a round butt K Frame three inch 65 or a four inch 66 gets the nod. The round butt is more comfortable for me, and easy to hide.
Smith and Wesson 66.jpg
S&W 66.jpg
To me, the J Frame Snubby is a pocket gun with a pocket holster. I know a lot of guys carry them on a belt rig, but to me as soon as you go to a belt holster you are better served with a K Frame Smith and Wesson over a J frame. Easier to get a better trigger job on it, better sights and one more round. With an inside the waistband holster, the only way a guy five foot five can really hide anything, a four inch hides as easy as a two inch. So when I am in revolver mode, a round butt K Frame three inch 65 or a four inch 66 gets the nod. The round butt is more comfortable for me, and easy to hide. View attachment 72768View attachment 72769
I had grip adaptors like yours many moons ago on a S&W 36 and 19. Think they were made by Taylors really helped middle finger from the trigger guard.
I know a lot of guys carry them on a belt rig, but to me as soon as you go to a belt holster you are better served with a K Frame Smith and Wesson over a J frame.
Are there any 14oz K frames? I don't disagree with your reasoning but, (there always seems to be a but) I'm a big guy big thighs and wear jeans. No blended wool dress or tactical for me. Nothing designer just plain old Wranglers. Pocket carry a J Frame is do-able but just. So a light weight 38 OWB works best for me. Even in shorts, sandals and a polo shirt.
Why do I carry a snubby? Ease, familiarity, simplicity, comfort, and it's worked for 40 years, if it works don't fix it. ;)