
Speaking of tannerite


Another thread was mentioning tannerite and it made me remember something we were watching.

We were watching an episode of on patrol live and they were with an officer from Nevada. They cane across a deserted car in the desert. Upon looking at it there were bullet holes all over it. When they opened tge door there were boxes upon boxes of tannerite and a huge box full of it stuff under the vehicle.

Evidently: Jame wants big boom...

WAY too close and kept getting closer. If you're going to be that flipping stupid, do us a favor and stand 5' away. Even trees do not stop some of that stuff. IIRC that was a refrigerator door that just about hit the shooter. It was a stroke of luck it missed.

Explosives can be fun but you had better give them a mile of respect or they will make you pay.

Tannerite is basically the same stuff Timothy McVeigh used. Add a little diesel fuel and walla down come a large building.
About 20 years ago I was at a group shoot. Somebody put some Tannerite in an old microwave oven and we took turns shooting at it from 100 yards away. When it blew, pieces of the cabinet were seen flying over the trees on top of a 30' berm. :eek:
About 20 years ago I was at a group shoot. Somebody put some Tannerite in an old microwave oven and we took turns shooting at it from 100 yards away. When it blew, pieces of the cabinet were seen flying over the trees on top of a 30' berm. :eek:
We set off Tannerite alot.
Give it a good distance
We never pit anything on it or around it . Shrapnel