
Spring Forward


Did everyone remember to move their clocks up an hour? Now if you’re like me you’ll take a couple of months to get around to it. I know some didn’t because they live in areas of the country that don’t abide by these silly rules! I just wish Congress could choose one or the other and stick to it. But then I’m not really into time any more. As an old retired geezer everyday is like Saturday and I really have no where to go and all the time God will allow me to get there.
i knew there was more than 1 state (Indiana being one..??) that did not change clocks, now AZ..any others..???

anyway about 2 PM yesterday i reset nearly all but 2, my watch and the clock on the tv table.

i still have 2 in the basement to reset, meh, maybe tomorrow.

frankly, it should be done away with.