
Spring has sprung finally.


After the long cold winter and cold wet spring so far things seem to have turned the corner.

Opened up the snow globe yesterday and this morning. Put out the hummingbird feeders. And saw both humming birds and orioles this morning.

yeah, i put out the bird bath earlier today.

that's the extent of me helping nature.

next i will be putting out the yellow jacket traps

that'll be the extent of me eliminating nature.

i still gotta order large glue traps.

and place them on the front sidewalk

that'll be the extent of me eliminating humans.
Spring arrived here early this year. Its been in and around the 90's for weeks here. The wind is also blowing hard here and that's one of the main reasons we are having a terrible time with fires in the State of New Mexico. I wish for fall and winters early arrival this year.
Spring arrived here early this year. Its been in and around the 90's for weeks here. The wind is also blowing hard here and that's one of the main reasons we are having a terrible time with fires in the State of New Mexico. I wish for fall and winters early arrival this year.
spring is behind the "green door" here. we still have the heat on, and that sucks.

i usually shut off the gas (natural gas lines) in spring, to save on some of the parts in the heater.

like the thermal coupler? that SOB part is like $100, each, and i have 2 heating systems. (plus the gas man to come over for the winter tune ups, and parts replacements labors charges. )
spring is behind the "green door" here. we still have the heat on, and that sucks.

i usually shut off the gas (natural gas lines) in spring, to save on some of the parts in the heater.

like the thermal coupler? that SOB part is like $100, each, and i have 2 heating systems. (plus the gas man to come over for the winter tune ups, and parts replacements labors charges. )
I'm trying to stay away from the oil bill. Currently at $6.159/gal
yeah, i put out the bird bath earlier today.

that's the extent of me helping nature.

next i will be putting out the yellow jacket traps

that'll be the extent of me eliminating nature.

i still gotta order large glue traps.

and place them on the front sidewalk

that'll be the extent of me eliminating humans.
Let me know where you get the glue traps.
I'm trying to stay away from the oil bill. Currently at $6.159/gal
that is why i converted over to natural gas heat. thankfully i have gas lines in my area. we were paying at least $700 per fill up, and many times, that was either once a month, or twice...!!!!!!!

with our natural gas heating/water heater/washer/drier, our monthly winter gas bills are like $275 to about $380. so it's very cheap for us.

the house is very old, drafty, and frankly it'll be costing way too much to fully insulate. i'll let the next owner(s) deal with a full gut, and remodeling. it's a 3 family Victorian, in an Historic District. so you gotta know, that contractors see dollar signs....as well as i see them too, and i'd rather spend my money on hookers and cheap booze (when the wife is at the Bingo Parlor with our daughters, then to spend it on this old house.

hookers, booze, and penicillin...........is money better spent then on insulation.............