
Springfield 911 in 9mm


Founding Member
Does anybody have any experience with the 911 in 9mm? The other day when me and the wife was out, same day I got the Glock 19, she saw the 911, she liked how it felt, but I was just concerned with it’s size being a 9mm, recoil wise, they didn’t have it in .380, but like I posted earlier, the shop is closing and that’s all they had on hand.
Does anybody have any experience with the 911 in 9mm? The other day when me and the wife was out, same day I got the Glock19, she saw the 911, she liked how it felt, but I was just concerned with it’s size being a 9mm, recoil wise, they didn’t have it in .380, but like I posted earlier, the shop is closing and that’s all they had on hand.
Sweet little pistol! I speaking of looks alone I have zero experience with that pistol but would like to own one. Is your wife recoil sensitive? Has she shot anything similar? Grip angle and weight of the pistol will play a role in the guns recoil. Another thing to think of is the smaller guns usually have a tighter recoil spring, so they can be harder to rack. But again I'm speaking from having no experience with this particular pistol. If you can get it for a good deal what's the harm in buying another awesome gun!😁
10mmLife, not to much recoil sensitive, she has shot my Shield and my brothers G43 with no problem. I had a Kimber Micro 9, I won’t go there on it, only had it for 2 days, if that tells you something, but she liked the way it felt just like the 911 did.
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10mmLife, not to much recoil sensitive, she has shot my Shield and my brothers G43 will no problem. I had a Kimber Micro 9, I won’t go there on it, only had it for 2 days, if that tells you something, but she liked the way it felt just like the 911 did.
My wife has shot my shield and LC9's but she prefers the shield. She thinks the LC9's is too snappy. 2 similar sized guns but a few ounces different with the shield being heavier.
Food for thought but I would buy it either way. Worse case scenario she doesn't like it and you get another gun.😉