
Springfield’s Prodigy Double Stack 1911 9mm – Comprehensive Review

I found a very good honest review of the new Prodigy DS on YouTube from one of the Armory Life Forum members.

@TheHumbleMarksman has a great YouTube channel and is worth checking out.

Great video thanks for sharing.

Although a small issue I do agree with the comment on the small hole in the barrel being called a loaded sight window, the one in my Emissary 45 is useless.
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Great video thanks for sharing.

Although a small issue I do agree with the comment on the small hole in the barrel being called a loaded sight window, the one in my Emissary 45 is useless.
I also agree that the witness hole is useless. Witness holes are typically designed into the firearm to satisfy certain state requirements like in Massachusetts where there needs to be some sort of loaded chamber indicator on all handguns per state requirements. I'm sure most manufacturers would rather not add this feature if it wasn't required.
I also agree that the witness hole is useless. Witness holes are typically designed into the firearm to satisfy certain state requirements like in Massachusetts where there needs to be some sort of loaded chamber indicator on all handguns per state requirements. I'm sure most manufacturers would rather not add this feature if it wasn't required.