
State of Washington drops the Bar Exam to be a lawyer

Well hot dang, now i can become a lawyer, ain't never been smart enough in the past. so now i can get me one of them that thar lawyers license and do me some lawyerin. first thing ima do is making owning a Hi Point mandatory.
Lawyer first
Politician Second- preferable a Democrat
Then, third, you can make Hi-Points mandatory for a gun control agenda. Cant own an AR, but we’ll give you this Hi-Point instead
First order would be to take away all the M4's and all them other fancy smancy guns from the military and issue them Hi Points with a new fangled high capacity clip thingy to go in em. they would be much more efficient and them foreign countries would fear us. Second law writtin would be to get rid of Joe Biden.
First order would be to take away all the M4's and all them other fancy smancy guns from the military and issue them Hi Points with a new fangled high capacity clip thingy to go in em. they would be much more efficient and them foreign countries would fear us. Second law writtin would be to get rid of Joe Biden.