
Support This Company

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Founding Member
From time to time a company comes under fire for standing their ground. This thread is to bring them to our attention so that we can support them as a community.

Yes I know its an older page. However, it is a good example of what is intended.
Stupidity and ignorance is a choice and should not be taken lightly, especially for those who follow them! As the saying goes, "Can't fix stupid"!
Stupidity and ignorance is a choice and should not be taken lightly, especially for those who follow them! As the saying goes, "Can't fix stupid"!
Point taken. However, predators do not eliminate an entire species at once. They prey on the outliers and cull the herd until it can eliminated. As Ben Franklin said," if we do not stick together we will surely hang separately."
Point taken. However, predators do not eliminate an entire species at once. They prey on the outliers and cull the herd until it can eliminated. As Ben Franklin said," if we do not stick together we will surely hang separately."
That is why the militia will prevail.
That is why the militia will prevail.
There are many that felt that way about the horse and buggy. Yes, the Amish are still here but I doubt their numbers could be of any resistance.
Its easy to look the other way because something does not agree with you, yet how many died in WWII? Many just felt that it did not pertain to them and paid no mind. Not until they were occupied and compelled to become a part of the invading force.
Once the opposition gains momentum it will be all the more difficult to stop. Who would have thought bump stocks would be illegal in 2016?

Better yet, look in your own back yard. How has TX changed in the past 4yrs?
There are many that felt that way about the horse and buggy. Yes, the Amish are still here but I doubt their numbers could be of any resistance.
Its easy to look the other way because something does not agree with you, yet how many died in WWII? Many just felt that it did not pertain to them and paid no mind. Not until they were occupied and compelled to become a part of the invading force.
Once the opposition gains momentum it will be all the more difficult to stop. Who would have thought bump stocks would be illegal in 2016?

Better yet, look in your own back yard. How has TX changed in the past 4yrs?
I try too see America as my backyard, because the effect could be nation wide in a negative way.
Regardless, that's not what the thread is about. If you dont want to support them then don't. This is merely a spot to post any company that is in some form of socially orchestrated pressure.
There are many that felt that way about the horse and buggy. Yes, the Amish are still here but I doubt their numbers could be of any resistance.
Its easy to look the other way because something does not agree with you, yet how many died in WWII? Many just felt that it did not pertain to them and paid no mind. Not until they were occupied and compelled to become a part of the invading force.
Once the opposition gains momentum it will be all the more difficult to stop. Who would have thought bump stocks would be illegal in 2016?

Better yet, look in your own back yard. How has TX changed in the past 4yrs?
I can only speak of Texas as far as I see on the news, but I think the migration of residence from High tax/cost of living States to Texas (like from California), with thier liberal minded philosophies, is having an effect on that State. I kind of wondered, when Gov. Abbot advertised Texas State benefits to those State's residents, if he knew what might happen politically down the road (Red to Blue).
I agree, support those that are fighting the good battle.
Also UN-support the bad actors

From gunpowdermagazine.net here is a collage of some bad actors.

Stop Shop.JPG

Yes I know its an older page. However, it is a good example of what is intended.
Here another. Intuit is one of the largest processors of Bank credit card transactions between several retailers. NY Gov. Cuomo, is a major player in getting Banks and Insurance companies to stop doing business with any Gun related companies. State of NJ is the same, where USCCA has stopped covering people from that State (at least a NJ friend of mine that had USCCA coverage).

Classified I apologize as I know where you want to go in supporting all those under fire but the names of
the bad actors are so easy to find and sure do need our NON-Support......

Heres a true story: Went to my RAM dealer to look around. I try to trade every three or four years. Needless to say
I have purchased 5 new vehicles there for myself and some new and used for family. At the door I was greeted with:Concealed-Carry-Sign.gif
I told my favorite salesman and the head honcho that I would soon have my CWP and with the sign on the door
could no longer enter. Informed them that I didn't appreciate only the bad guy being in the room armed. Also
explained that a great majority of the guys that buy RAM carry. You really need to think your decision over.
Got my CWP and went to the dealer with the intention of knocking on the door and making sure they knew that I
could no longer enter.
Spoil sports they were. ALL the FREKIN' decals and signs were gone! Went in and thanked them. We talked trucks.
Then went in to a private office so they could see my carry!
Squeaky wheel does get the grease
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