
Supreme Court UNANIMOUS! Guns Win Big!

So I don’t have to watch, what did the video say?
that basically, the 1st and 2nd amendments are being violated for people that own guns.

those 2 are Texas attorney's that specialize in gun rights, defending thier clients, etc.
I wonder how this will apply to some of the pressures on banks to not do business with firearms manufacturers and sellers. Also, how will this apply to some of the actions by shippers to fail to deliver firearms and ammunition?
I wonder how this will apply to some of the pressures on banks to not do business with firearms manufacturers and sellers. Also, how will this apply to some of the actions by shippers to fail to deliver firearms and ammunition?
maybe "they" will just say, "they have to right to refuse business to anyone"...you know like, "no shoes, no shirts, no underwear"...???

or like several cake bakeries like in was it Colorado that refused to bake a cake for a gay couple, cuz it was against "thier" religious beliefs..????

all i want to see, is ALL the states END THEIR BS and STOP mucking with the U.S. Constitution which they swore an oath to preserve and protect.!!