
Surppressor Metalurgy

I don't know much about suppressors, but found this video interesting while viewing several months ago. It's referencing the "Hush Puppy Project" that's been evolving since the 1960's requested by the navy SEALs.

I don't know much about suppressors, but found this video interesting while viewing several months ago. It's referencing the "Hush Puppy Project" that's been evolving since the 1960's requested by the navy SEALs.

Thats what my 308 bolt action sounds like with an Elite Iron Bravo (using subs). I always forget the first time and pull the bolt to check. I'll have to record it the next time I go to the range.

Great video
When you think of silencers you gotta think it’s gonna get extremely hot. Which is why most are made of metal. From what it’s been told to me the heavier the silencer is doesn’t have anything to do with how effective it is. Matter a fact I’ve been told you can make a silencer out of washers and metal tube.
A little off topic, but I found this video that was done at 2018 Shot Show with Silencer Shop. In it, he explains how the company got started and what they offer in their simplified process of obtaining one. The Trust option they offer sounds interesting. For a person like me just trying to learn about supressors / silencers, I found this to be beneficial. The video starts at the .50 second mark.

So, I called up Elite Iron and I was again reminded why I like them. Not only do they make an excellent product, customer service is second to none. Not only did I get a hold of a live body. I spoke with Dale, (one of the owners) who had me wait on the line so he could finish working on a machine he was running.

He took the time to explain that yes materials do have a small impact, and some materials are actually made to absorb sound (zirconium). However, the most important aspect to building a suppressor is hydrodynamic modeling.

Makes sense, anyone can stack a bunch of baffles in a tube. Its the research and precision that makes the difference.

By the way, they are looking for a CNC operator. Unfortunately, I am not, otherwise I would be packing for an interview in Montana.

Full disclosure: I have no ties to the company and receive no compensation. Just a happy customer, but if someone would like to teach me how to run a cnc machine I'm game!