In the wild, beyond the reach of cell service and Wi-Fi, communication is your link to the world; and you’re going to need more than lights and smoke signals. It's not just about staying connected—it's about ensuring rescue and coordination when isolation becomes a threat, or monitoring evolving conditions in the case of an emergency.
Let's patch that hole in your survival game.
Bonus - A good source of portable gear for monitoring.
Let's patch that hole in your survival game.

Survival Ham Radio: Building and Using a Field Communication Kit
Communication is your link to the world. You’re going to need more than lights and smoke signals in crisis. Discover how to use survival ham radio.

Bonus - A good source of portable gear for monitoring.
Portable Radios for Sale | AM/FM Radios & Antennas | C. Crane
C. Crane is a US-based radio store offering the most powerful long-range AM/FM radios, emergency radios, Wi-Fi antennas, and Internet repeater systems. Shop now.

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