
Taking the XD Mod.3 to 200 Yards


That was very encouraging. It gives me something to strive for. ;) This is my first optic pistol and I'm still getting familiar with it. I've had a few good groups at ten yards so I'll be gradually working my way out to twenty five. I like to practice every chance I get. :LOL:

Thank you for your indulgence,

Guess i got a lemon. Mines bad off a rest at 7 yards and the trigger sucks. I know everyone here that has one likes them. The elites i own are dead accurate but not this one.
A rest at 7 yards doesn't turn in good results? Wow. What did Springfield Armory tell you when you contacted them about it?

Mine does very well, but 200 yards is well outside of my skill level. I used to be able to hit at 100 yards - but that was several years (and eyeglass prescriptions) ago. ;)

I just remembered. A few years ago, while I was in CA, I was on the firing line at my local outdoor range with my youngest daughter. The range had recently put up a bunch of new steel targets at various distances, out to 200 yards. Using my original XD9 Service pistol and iron sights, I was able to hit a pig silhouette at 50 yards, 8 out of 10 times while free standing. The RO was a little impressed. Unfortunately my eyes have not gotten any better since then. 🤓

Thank you for your indulgence,

I don't own private property with shooting rights. Thus I'm limited to public ranges. None allow pistols beyond 25 yards (except one that allows 5" barrel "hunting" pistols/revolvers in calibers larger than 9mm to shoot at the 50yd). Thus, I'll never know.

Cool that others are able to do this....but for me (IRL) a pistol is for 15 yards or less...and I live in a free state (go figure).

Edit: I have a 10mm Ronin 1911 that I could shoot at the 50 yard range...but I can't see the point since I'd miss most shots shooting freehand.
I got an idea for all of us that can't see, much less hit a little metal target at 200 yards. Let's start with shooting a huge target on the broad side of a barn at 200 yards 1st and see if the wall is still standing by the time we finally hit the target. 🤣🤣🤣.