
Taurus M66 4" Black Matte


Can't seem to figure out how to search this site for any mentions of just the Taurus m66. Anyway, noticed this handgun in the LGS today for $469 in the black matte, it looks perfect for hunting. Reviews online seem favorable. I currently have no revolvers but was thinking about this to carry along while rifle hunting or use in the right hunting situation. In PA there are no semi-autos allowed in handguns or rifle for hunting.

Knowing the vast knowledge and experience here I thought I'd just ask your thoughts about picking up the m66 for once a year use during hunting whitetail, no bear or elk.
Can't seem to figure out how to search this site for any mentions of just the Taurus m66. Anyway, noticed this handgun in the LGS today for $469 in the black matte, it looks perfect for hunting. Reviews online seem favorable. I currently have no revolvers but was thinking about this to carry along while rifle hunting or use in the right hunting situation. In PA there are no semi-autos allowed in handguns or rifle for hunting.

Knowing the vast knowledge and experience here I thought I'd just ask your thoughts about picking up the m66 for once a year use during hunting whitetail, no bear or elk.
I have no issues with my Raging Hunter from Taurus, it always goes bang, I like Taurus revolvers
Taurus Model 44. Blued 8 3/8" Circa 1990. Never had an issue and taken more deer than I can count.

LOL ... The m66 is only a lowly little .357 mag, 7 shots though. I bet that .44 mag has gotta be tough to hold onto with that medium frame.
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Au contraire. You can shoot it one handed all day long. Ported barrel and heavy. Shortly after I bought this i also bought a Super Blackhawk. Although I do regret it now, at the time I really needed to get rid of one of them and the Taurus is waaaaaay more user friendly. And deadly accurate at 100 yards. Like 10 out of 10 in a pie plate all day long accurate.

I will get me another Super Blackhawk eventually, but this Taurus is still the one I would hunt with.