I not only had the great fortune to teach my grandkids, but where my wife and I lived the past 40 years, I had the additional good fortune of teaching at least 3 of the neighborhood kids as they were growing up. Our neighborhood was mostly Dr's, Lawyers & Indian Chiefs and few were adept at those things as shooting, hunting, fishing, camping, etc. Me being involved in all of that naturally intrigued the neighborhood kids, most of whom spent a good deal of their time at my house. Even from young ages, my wife would make them 'jello squares', or brownies, or oatmeal/raisin cookies, and/or I would keep their bicycles, scooters and go carts in safe running order. Our own kids already being grown and gone, we where appointed the neighborhood aunt and uncle for many of them. Everyone of those kids are grown now and have families of their own, and often bring their kids by just to say hi. And often they'll stop by just to show me a new gun they've gotten, or fishing rod, or maybe the new boat. And everyone of them brought all their new babies by to meet uncle Joe.
I've been a very lucky man in many ways and one that I count higher than most is that I've had the opportunity to provide a good example to a lot of young folks. And I'm certain that each and every one of them appreciated all my efforts. I love them all as if they were my own.
Edit: regards,