
Ted Nugent on Gun Control

Actually, I don’t get why conservatives love him, considering he’s an admitted draft dodger.

Sure, he changed his story and said he lied about being a draft dodger, but…he’s still a liar.

I sure wouldn’t put him on a pedestal for that.

Stranglehold, however…is a mighty fine song.
Actually, I don’t get why conservatives love him, considering he’s an admitted draft dodger.

Sure, he changed his story and said he lied about being a draft dodger, but…he’s still a liar.

I sure wouldn’t put him on a pedestal for that.

Stranglehold, however…is a mighty fine song.
Well, outside of being the guy who has done more for the Byrdland and short scale hollowbody guitars in general than anyone in history, it's probably mostly his completely correct and truthful outlook on guns and gun control.

Also, calling a rock star a liar for making up a story to tell an interviewer would make almost every single famous musician a liar. Then there's the extenuating circumstances regarding that particular interview and interviewer.

Plus we're all technically liars. And thieves. ;)
Well, outside of being the guy who has done more for the Byrdland and short scale hollowbody guitars in general than anyone in history, it's probably mostly his completely correct and truthful outlook on guns and gun control.

Also, calling a rock star a liar for making up a story to tell an interviewer would make almost every single famous musician a liar. Then there's the extenuating circumstances regarding that particular interview and interviewer.

Plus we're all technically liars. And thieves. ;)
The question is—why do you believe him the second time? He had a new image; wouldn’t it make sense for him to deny he did it?

Either way, it does show a shocking lack of integrity; lying to about draft dodging to boost his career.

Also, if you’re an ethical hunter—he isn’t.
The question is—why do you believe him the second time? He had a new image; wouldn’t it make sense for him to deny he did it?

Either way, it does show a shocking lack of integrity; lying to about draft dodging to boost his career.

Also, if you’re an ethical hunter—he isn’t.

His biography is pretty well documented dude. His father was military. The circumstances under which he made that claim were not really to boost his career. As far as I know the unethical hunting claims are specious.

At any rate I ain't here to defend the dude's entire life. I really couldn't care less. He's right about guns. I will say that like all celebrities who talk about politics I think he needs to shut up and play his guitar.
Who’s Ted Nugent? Was he the Beatles original drummer or was he the guy David Gilmour replaced in Pink Floyd?
Hmm. Now I can understand not knowing Pete Best. Maybe only Beatleophiles and Liverpudlians of a certain age have ever heard of him, but Syd Barrett ? If he's just "That guy David Gilmour replaced" to you, I'm not sure we can be friends. :cry:
Oh @SimonRL knows him. They were probably neighbors. He's just being a wanker. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Syd used to come round my house to cadge my Jammie Dodgers back when I lived on Arnold Layne. He said they unleashed his creativity, called them his Saucerful of Secrets. A lot of people thought it was the acid that messed him up, but it was the Jammie Dodgers. Enough of those will have you banging your head on some mad bugger’s wall.