
Texas Ranchers notified by State Govt about Cartel IED’s and violence increase

If the government won't or can't provide security for these people they need to stay out of the way when ranchers take control of their own security. That's the least they can do.
This. A man has a right/duty to protect himself and his family/friends. If the cartels are pulling this crap on American soil it ought to be open season on them. Maybe even put a bounty on that scum
The way of the Ostrich, if your heads buried in the sand and you don't see it, it ain't there.

Remember all the fuss over civilians patrolling the border back in the early 2000s, I forget the name of the organization, but if you cross illegally, then fire on, or otherwise threaten a US citizen on private property, it should be a forgone conclusion that you just cashed your illegal @$$ in.
So, a cartel member who is a Mexican citizen and not an American citizen, fires upon or uses and IED against an American citizen on American soil is not an act of war? If a cartel member fires upon an American citizen on American soil, that should be justification for our Military to go across that border after them, or station Snipers along the border and have them start picking off cartel members.
Not a peep from the lefties on this thread....
It is funny you should make that comment. I unfortunately live in a staunchly liberal area. Most of my neighbors look down their noses at me because I am "one of those" that believes in exercising his 2A rights. Believe this or not, my neighbor called me in the middle of the night. I answered my phone out of concern. I mean, no good calls come in the middle of the night. It was the neighbor behind my house. She said someone was in her back yard (abuts my back yard) looking in her windows and trying to open the sliding glass door. She had the audacity to ask me to go out there to scare the person(s) away. She had called the police 10 minutes earlier but they still hadn't arrived. She called me "out of desperation." I heard her big ol meathead boyfriend in the background asking her if I was going to go out there. Her boyfriend publicly berated me once for owning, and supporting private ownership of firearms. I was shocked that they actually believed I'd lift a finger to protect them after how they'd treated me in the past. Before I hung up on her, I made two points very clear. First, my firearms are to protect me, my property, and the ones I love. She and her boyfriend are none of the above and I will not risk a trip to jail for defending them. Second, if her boyfriend (he is a really built dude) is too big of a p&%sy to risk his wellbeing to protect her, she really picked the wrong guy. I then asked that she lose my number and hung up. I'll admit I did feel a little guilty for taking a hard stance so I did what I felt to be equitable, I turned my backyard lighting on. A few weeks later, her boyfriend came to my house and apologized for his past behavior and admitted to buying a shotgun for home defense. He also told me the police never did show up.
It is funny you should make that comment. I unfortunately live in a staunchly liberal area. Most of my neighbors look down their noses at me because I am "one of those" that believes in exercising his 2A rights. Believe this or not, my neighbor called me in the middle of the night. I answered my phone out of concern. I mean, no good calls come in the middle of the night. It was the neighbor behind my house. She said someone was in her back yard (abuts my back yard) looking in her windows and trying to open the sliding glass door. She had the audacity to ask me to go out there to scare the person(s) away. She had called the police 10 minutes earlier but they still hadn't arrived. She called me "out of desperation." I heard her big ol meathead boyfriend in the background asking her if I was going to go out there. Her boyfriend publicly berated me once for owning, and supporting private ownership of firearms. I was shocked that they actually believed I'd lift a finger to protect them after how they'd treated me in the past. Before I hung up on her, I made two points very clear. First, my firearms are to protect me, my property, and the ones I love. She and her boyfriend are none of the above and I will not risk a trip to jail for defending them. Second, if her boyfriend (he is a really built dude) is too big of a p&%sy to risk his wellbeing to protect her, she really picked the wrong guy. I then asked that she lose my number and hung up. I'll admit I did feel a little guilty for taking a hard stance so I did what I felt to be equitable, I turned my backyard lighting on. A few weeks later, her boyfriend came to my house and apologized for his past behavior and admitted to buying a shotgun for home defense. He also told me the police never did show up.
I probably would have handled that differently, but don’t misconstrue that to mean I think you were wrong.
I probably would have handled that differently, but don’t misconstrue that to mean I think you were wrong.
Agreed. As time passed I realized I could have been more neighborly even though they had treated me as though I was a gun crazed kook. But even today I still would not jeopardize my safety, freedom, and property to defend them. Had I gone out there, I potentially would've put myself in the position of having to defend myself for someone else's problem. Had I been forced to shoot the person, I surely would've spent at the very least that night in jail. And to further add insult to injury, the perp or the perp's family would've probably sued me and taken everything I own in a civil suit. Out of curiosity, what would you have done under the same circumstances?
Agreed. As time passed I realized I could have been more neighborly even though they had treated me as though I was a gun crazed kook. But even today I still would not jeopardize my safety, freedom, and property to defend them. Had I gone out there, I potentially would've put myself in the position of having to defend myself for someone else's problem. Had I been forced to shoot the person, I surely would've spent at the very least that night in jail. And to further add insult to injury, the perp or the perp's family would've probably sued me and taken everything I own in a civil suit. Out of curiosity, what would you have done under the same circumstances?
I can't say for sure. Especially since I don't have enough information to say. What state do you live in ? Is it a Castle/SYG state ?
If possible I might have flooded the area with light. Then from a safe distance announced that the police were on their way. You may not like your neighbors but I'm sure you wouldn't want to see them killed by a home invader.

Again, I'm not suggesting you did anything wrong. And my neighbors aren't your neighbors. I most likely wouldn't risk my life or freedom for them if they were like your neighbors. All my immediate neighbors are either related to me or good friends though.
I disagree. Lefties on this forum are from MN, and other states insulated. They have little to worry about on this issue.
Nah, I think we agree the cartels need to go. If the ones in charge want to use Predators and some high-speed operators to make that happen with Mexico's approval then I'd say go with god. Sicario was a good movie, and could be a good documentary.
It is funny you should make that comment. I unfortunately live in a staunchly liberal area. Most of my neighbors look down their noses at me because I am "one of those" that believes in exercising his 2A rights. Believe this or not, my neighbor called me in the middle of the night. I answered my phone out of concern. I mean, no good calls come in the middle of the night. It was the neighbor behind my house. She said someone was in her back yard (abuts my back yard) looking in her windows and trying to open the sliding glass door. She had the audacity to ask me to go out there to scare the person(s) away. She had called the police 10 minutes earlier but they still hadn't arrived. She called me "out of desperation." I heard her big ol meathead boyfriend in the background asking her if I was going to go out there. Her boyfriend publicly berated me once for owning, and supporting private ownership of firearms. I was shocked that they actually believed I'd lift a finger to protect them after how they'd treated me in the past. Before I hung up on her, I made two points very clear. First, my firearms are to protect me, my property, and the ones I love. She and her boyfriend are none of the above and I will not risk a trip to jail for defending them. Second, if her boyfriend (he is a really built dude) is too big of a p&%sy to risk his wellbeing to protect her, she really picked the wrong guy. I then asked that she lose my number and hung up. I'll admit I did feel a little guilty for taking a hard stance so I did what I felt to be equitable, I turned my backyard lighting on. A few weeks later, her boyfriend came to my house and apologized for his past behavior and admitted to buying a shotgun for home defense. He also told me the police never did show up.

I would have probably done exactly what you did, and then felt really shitty about it after. It takes a big person to admit when they are wrong, and even bigger to come to your door and do it face to face, ESPECIALLY these days.

Given the admission of purchasing a firearm for defense, now having their eyes opened to the fact that only YOU can protect yourself when it matters, and that help is almost never going to arrive in time... I'd offer to teach them about proper firearms handling, shooting, etc. This is more than a teachable moment - it could be a potential friendship, or at minimum another layer of security to the neighborhood. Just my two cents.