It is funny you should make that comment. I unfortunately live in a staunchly liberal area. Most of my neighbors look down their noses at me because I am "one of those" that believes in exercising his 2A rights. Believe this or not, my neighbor called me in the middle of the night. I answered my phone out of concern. I mean, no good calls come in the middle of the night. It was the neighbor behind my house. She said someone was in her back yard (abuts my back yard) looking in her windows and trying to open the sliding glass door. She had the audacity to ask me to go out there to scare the person(s) away. She had called the police 10 minutes earlier but they still hadn't arrived. She called me "out of desperation." I heard her big ol meathead boyfriend in the background asking her if I was going to go out there. Her boyfriend publicly berated me once for owning, and supporting private ownership of firearms. I was shocked that they actually believed I'd lift a finger to protect them after how they'd treated me in the past. Before I hung up on her, I made two points very clear. First, my firearms are to protect me, my property, and the ones I love. She and her boyfriend are none of the above and I will not risk a trip to jail for defending them. Second, if her boyfriend (he is a really built dude) is too big of a p&%sy to risk his wellbeing to protect her, she really picked the wrong guy. I then asked that she lose my number and hung up. I'll admit I did feel a little guilty for taking a hard stance so I did what I felt to be equitable, I turned my backyard lighting on. A few weeks later, her boyfriend came to my house and apologized for his past behavior and admitted to buying a shotgun for home defense. He also told me the police never did show up.