
The 2A Is A Constant in Times of Crisis

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I don’t remember the wording exactly but basically it asked if Texas should restrict the upcoming gun restrictions legislations that are against the second amendment. But the question it asked on the ballot is should we restrict gun legislation in Texas.
I must have missed that wording because typically gun rights groups make any gun measure very clear in our State prior to voting. I will be more diligent in the future
The Left has openly shown their hand the last 3 years and during the Demo primaries. It's clear as it can get.

If Biden was in place of Trump right now in these daily virus updates they'd have to have him propped up on a dolly with a sippy cup in his mouth, and his handlers would be doing all the talking.
OK... You are definitely entitled to your opinion... not for sure turning around to others is handling it either...Unfortunately we are comparing +70yr old individuals...One says it will be OK in 15days and one who hasn't said :poop:...I am glad you are pleased because my wife who is a RN isn't...Possibly you could make a point that would make her feel better
OK... You are definitely entitled to your opinion... not for sure turning around to others is handling it either...Unfortunately we are comparing +70yr old individuals...One says it will be OK in 15days and one who hasn't said :poop:...I am glad you are pleased because my wife who is a RN isn't...Possibly you could make a point that would make her feel better

I don't quite understand where you're going with your comments.

My only point is that I think Trump is more capable of handling the current situation that Biden who seems to have issues in remembering many things.

Trump identified an initial 15 day game plan, and I've never heard him say (I'm watching him now) everything will be fine in that 15 day period. And I don't recall saying I'm pleased with the current situation.

Not all 70 yr old are equally vigorous. I'm more confident that Trump can handle things as a leader than Biden is.

Also having relatives in the medical field all we can do is support their hard work.

Getting back to the original 2A discussion point, Biden has already stated he would support taking firearms from law abiding citizens, whereas Trump supports 2A rights.

You are also entitled to your opinion.

My .02
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I don't quite understand where you're going with your comments.

My only point is that I think Trump is more capable of handling the current situation that Biden who seems to have issues in remembering many things.

Trump identified an initial 15 day game plan, and I've never heard him say (I'm watching him now) everything will be fine in that 15 day period. And I don't recall saying I'm pleased with the current situation.

Not all 70 yr old are equally vigorous. I'm more confident that Trump can handle things as a leader than Biden is.

Getting back to the 2A point, Biden has already stated he would support taking firearms from law abiding citizens, whereas Trump supports 2A rights.

You are also entitled to your opinion.

My .02
Other than saying how this has impacted the Trumps he defers...An individual from behind him will speak...Why is Barr there...When will my wife feel confident going to work which she still does...The only person that speaks of the 15 day plan is Trump...Unlike most partisans I would say my Dad sucks if he couldn't deliver... Brutal honesty is how I was raised so I don't fall into any singular thought process...However I will appreciate your opinion...I still appreciate your box diagram and think it might be one of the better things posted in the last couple days...I am simply Independent minded and of an age that will suffer from the politico stupidity
Other than saying how this has impacted the Trumps he defers...An individual from behind him will speak...Why is Barr there...When will my wife feel confident going to work which she still does...The only person that speaks of the 15 day plan is Trump...Unlike most partisans I would say my Dad sucks if he couldn't deliver... Brutal honesty is how I was raised so I don't fall into any singular thought process...However I will appreciate your opinion...I still appreciate your box diagram and think it might be one of the better things posted in the last couple days...I am simply Independent minded and of an age that will suffer from the politico stupidity

I can't help you to get answers to your questions.

Barr was there to talk about how the DOJ will go after those companies who are price gouging & hording critical materials for financial gain. Trump has other subject-matter specialists there to answer medical/incident mgt questions. They jump in when needed. I think that's great to communicate to the media & public.

The experts that are at this briefings believe the initial 15-day plan is something to follow until the admin transitions to the next phase of dealing with the current situation as it evolves.

All I can say I'm glad Trump is POTUS vs. Biden at this moment in time.

And I've been around long enough to know we have to hang in there during tough times that life throws at us most of the time.

My .02
Trump and the Repubs want to get a relief bill to provide the resources needed to address the medical needs, provide secured loans to the airlines which want a blank check, provide loan assistance to small business companies, and support the workers affected by this shutdown with financial aid. Pretty straight forward & focused. Likely not perfect.

In the mean time the other party wants to hold up all that up in order to add tax credits for windmills and solar panels, allow unions to have more power in collective bargaining agreements, force the airlines to improve fuel economy, and etc. that have NO relationship to the current situation.

The House's Pelosi bill is 1,600 pages long full of identity politics and political agendas like global warming & protecting illegal aliens.

IMO the latter is irresponsible.

Choose your poison.
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