
The Gun Bunny...

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Does this qualify also as a “Gun Bunny”?
Look on YouTube for American Gun Chick she has a video called everybody hates me...gun bunny parody. Then take a look at some of many firearms videos that she actually gets involved in. Then return with any thoughts.
I'm all for it. Anything that reminds people that shooting sports were as normal as playing baseball not THAT long ago and brings in people who'd like to give them a shot is good in my book. Of course, just having a few attractive ladies to look at doesn't hurt either :)
I’m not opposed either. In my view, the more the merrier. I’ve seen the videos of attractive women that know how to shoot and even attractive women on shooting teams for firearms manufacturers (the woman from S&W comes to mind & is seen often talking about their new products, same as the attractive woman from Springfield Armory who showed the new XD models on a video show I watched).
My above reply to Ginge, was to his observation that Shot Show had a lot of these “Bunnies” as references in the article, hawking products (much the way Auto shows do), and I think that’s the advertisement ploy of attractive people to help draw in and sell a product. I’m not saying you don’t agree or disagree with me here benstt, I replied to your post because I agree with what you wrote. (y)
I’m not opposed either. In my view, the more the merrier. I’ve seen the videos of attractive women that know how to shoot and even attractive women on shooting teams for firearms manufacturers (the woman from S&W comes to mind & is seen often talking about their new products, same as the attractive woman from Springfield Armory who showed the new XD models on a video show I watched).
My above reply to Ginge, was to his observation that Shot Show had a lot of these “Bunnies” as references in the article, hawking products (much the way Auto shows do), and I think that’s the advertisement ploy of attractive people to help draw in and sell a product. I’m not saying you don’t agree or disagree with me here benstt, I replied to your post because I agree with what you wrote. (y)
I didn't see what you wrote :) I just responded to the initial post.
I didn't see what you wrote :) I just responded to the initial post.
Yes, I figured that as I got further into my reply. I initially replied to your post because I agreed with you, and then added with additional commentary to try to explain what my other reply was trying to convey (which had nothing to do with your reply whatsoever). I was just too lazy to break them up into two replies, so sorry about that. 😐
Yes, I figured that as I got further into my reply. I initially replied to your post because I agreed with you, and then added with additional commentary to try to explain what my other reply was trying to convey (which had nothing to do with your reply whatsoever). I was just too lazy to break them up into two replies, so sorry about that. 😐
No worries, man. I don't get worked up by much.
I like seeing half naked tramps walking around with guns too, and many women are both awesome and sexy. I follow several on instagram, and honestly, some of them just pose with guns and dont shoot. Look at Toni McBride or Alex Zedra 😉🔥❤️ I would very gross things...😂
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