


An interesting fairly long adventuresome tale about a few Americans caught up in the early 1960's Cuba. Describes how the Americans coped with their situation and the many involved twists, turns behind the scenes during their lengthy journey. Covers a few historical facts along the way. May make a good movie?

An interesting fairly long adventuresome tale about a few Americans caught up in the early 1960's Cuba. Describes how the Americans coped with their situation and the many involved twists, turns behind the scenes during their lengthy journey. Covers a few historical facts along the way. May make a good movie?

cool and very interesting. 👍
cool and very interesting. 👍
Thought so too. Is why thought story was worth reading and sharing. Was living in Fl during those years. About 90 miles away off coast of Cuba. Schools down there issued personalized SS bracelets to students and were told to put heads down on desks during an alert. Story sorta connects the dots in some ways of why?