
The History of PKM, the Most Common Machine Gun In the World


Founding Member
Part 1

Everyone knows AK-47. It is everywhere: movies, books, crime statistics. Interestingly enough, those who spend some time in the warzone often have stronger feelings towards another Kalashnikov creation - the PK/PKM belt-fed machine gun.

Part 2

After a month of hard work, the first prototype of PK was ready. By that time, the rival machine gun designed by Nikitin and Sokolov completed technical trials and had a few non-critical issues that design engineers had to fix.

Kalashnikov’s machinegun wasn’t even officially tested by the factory, so he didn’t really have any chance to win in this trial, since the competitor, Nikitin GPMG, was so ahead of him.

Part 3

The first phase of testing

The prototypes of PK went through initial tests with flying colors. The machine gun fired 30,000 rounds without any breakages and completed all the routine tests.

There was, however, a test that is usually called “depression and elevation”. During this test, the gun is fired with a barrel pointing up (elevation) or down (depression).
the history of pkm the most common machine gun in the world part 3, In the Soviet doctrine the GPMG was meant to be used for air defense

In the Soviet doctrine, the GPMG was meant to be used for air defense

Part 4

In Part 1 of this article, it was the beginning of the Kalashnikov machinegun story, Part 2 was dedicated to the bureaucratic hoops he initially had to jump through, Part 3 described the technical triаls and competition between the Kalashnikov and his rivals, Nikitin and Sokolov. In this chapter, the story of troop trials that determined the destiny of Kalashnikov GPMG.
