
The Manurhin MR73

Manurhin actually made all the parts of the fine PP Series of pistols at their factory in France from right after WWII until 1986. They would ship the parts back to Walther in Germany where they would be finished, assembled, and proofed. Under German law, that allowed them to say "Made in West Germany". Additionally, Manurhin would retain some of the parts and finish them off themselves. Some of these say Manurhin and some say Under License of Walther...I have 8 of these in each caliber and finish. The key to knowing what you have lies in the proof marks, on the frame inside the ejection port. If it has the stag horn proof, it was done at the German factory in Ulm.. If it has the Words "St. Étienne" the gun was assembled and proofed in France. Then sometimes you'll see what appears to be a German gun with no mention of Manurhin, but you'll find a "made in France" stamp on the heel under the mag well. My Manurhin pistols are every bit as good as the ones I have from West Germany. Here's some pics of a few of them.


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I came across this Gun Mag Warehouse interesting article with three videos on the Manurhin MR73 Revolvers, including the Sniper Bi-Pod 8" barrel version. Additionally, it mentions that Beretta will now begin to import these to the U.S., I wonder how much a new one of these will cost :unsure:
