
The Most Anti-Gun Ticket in American History


Founding Member
Interesting article that all should read

If they win, that means not just regular joes must give up certain guns, but the law enforcement and military personnel as well. Lots of military and LEO own their own firearms for recreational use. This means they would have to surrender their own as well and go confiscate others.
I do not see those personnel fulfilling that obligation
I don’t believe or hope that the dems don’t win the election however if they do I feel it will be near impossible for them to institute a gun confiscation program. First that would be challenged in court and could take years to grind through litigation.
Second there are many states that just won’t follow that type of mandate and there is not enough FBI agent’s to cover the entire US. Remember the military can NOT be used against the citizens of America.
Politely bombard your elected representatives and those running for offices you can vote for to let them know of the importance of our 2nd Amendment rights with emails and phone calls. LE can be minutes away when seconds count and the LAGO (Law Abiding Gun Owner) only wants to be able to protect himself or herself and their loved ones from serious bodily harm or death until LE is on the scene. Remind them that their duty as an elected official is to serve and protect all citizens. All we LAGO's really want is "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".