
The Remington Mosin-Nagant: An All-American Pre-Soviet Rifle

Maybe I'm having a brain fart .

Remind me of the aid / support / assistance from Imperial Russia pre 1776 ? Or pre 1781 ? depending how you figure

For that matter any continuity of any such hypothetical relations pre 1917 , and any of the post 1920 Russian Regimes ?
No. I will not. IMO most on this blog are older (like me. I’m 69). Anyone not knowing these simple basic facts is looking to argue. There is no argument left in me.
Programming is complete and thorough in some.
I pr
Ay blessings on each Patriot on this blog in the name of Jesus
No. I will not. IMO most on this blog are older (like me. I’m 69). Anyone not knowing these simple basic facts is looking to argue. There is no argument left in me.
Programming is complete and thorough in some.
I pr
Ay blessings on each Patriot on this blog in the name of Jesus

I'm a little younger , and generally knowledgeable on History . Not to overly get swell headed, if I had heard zero about it , it's fairly obscure , and not simple basic .

But the apparent reference is to trade between the Colonies and Imperial Russia, in violation of the various Trade & Navagation Act .

Of course aware of the " undocumented international trade " by the Colonies , but it's usually discussed with French , Dutch, Spanish , Portuguese, and / or their respective Colonies, with or without the approval of their respective Home Countries.

I'll accept that Imperial Russia did more than zero also . I'll try to find any numbers of relative value of this commerce with Imperial Russia relative to the major trading partners.
If referring to WWl ....
. It's complex .

Yes , for the bulk of the war , Imperial Russia was part of the Allied Forces . BUT after the internal communist led domestic upheavals , Russia's unilateral peace with Germany, De Facto gave a major boost to the Axis, and intensified the remainder of the war .
I’m referring to the American Civil War, where Russia aided the union and its fight for freedom. I’m also referring to World War II on the Eastern front with Germany. If the Soviets didn’t win Great Britain was lost in America was next. I’m also referring to the Pacific war in World War II, where Russia and China are Allies. That is basic World War II history and the Civil War
Yes, you guys are right. Communism sucks.

Even the Russians figured that out hence there’s no more USSR. Now Russia is a dictatorship, strong man whatever you wanna call it. But they are in a Titanic struggle right now and have been since Putin came into power with the Cabal. Any enemy of my enemy is my friend. Just Harken back to when Putin gave POTUS 45 the soccer ball and said the balls in your court. Now Ukraine is firing American missiles being manned by American personnel into Russia. We are in a shooting war with Russia via Biden‘s proxy, Ukraine I wonder why Putin hasn’t shot any rockets at America. Is enough history for today? I’m tired of talking at my phone again. God bless every person on this blog. You’ve been lied to your entire life. All of us have snap out of it.
What is your basis for this ? If you mean WWII that is extremely debatable.
Mr Bob
That is one of the greatest things about the original Constitution. 1A is great ain’t it. We can all think AND speak freely!

Let the hate begin.
God I Am is good
Jesus is the ONLY WAY to God I am
The Hloy Spirit will be with us till Rev 4:1

I'm a little younger , and generally knowledgeable on History . Not to overly get swell headed, if I had heard zero about it , it's fairly obscure , and not simple basic .

But the apparent reference is to trade between the Colonies and Imperial Russia, in violation of the various Trade & Navagation Act .

Of course aware of the " undocumented international trade " by the Colonies , but it's usually discussed with French , Dutch, Spanish , Portuguese, and / or their respective Colonies, with or without the approval of their respective Home Countries.

I'll accept that Imperial Russia did more than zero also . I'll try to find any numbers of relative value of this commerce with Imperial Russia relative to the major trading partners.
Dude, Russian contributions to the civil war were not particularly significant and most certainly had no influence over the outcome of the war.

And Surmising that without the eastern front Britain would have fallen is A) speculation and B) almost certainly not the case. And America next ? Get real. Yes we can all have our own differing opinions, but we don't all get our own facts. They are what they are.
Are you by chance Russian ?



Highpoints gleaned from Naval History and Heritage Command , and Naval Heritage Foundation give a more neutral and nuanced take .

The most Pro Russian conclusion was " Russia was the only major European Power that wasn't openly Anti Northern " .

All European powers stayed officially neutral. France didn't do much if any directly for the CSA , but was making hay with their Adventures in Mexico while the Monroe Doctrine wasn't being enforced . British general opinion was divided , but the British Industrialists were buying whatever cotton could get smuggled out , and selling Arms to Confederate Intrests for full retail list .

Russia's huge imeadate diplomatic / geopolitical concern was dealing with the Poles . Prussia was on their side to put down the Poles , but rest of Europe was various degrees of sympathy for Polish Freedom .

And of course , Russia's long term Geopolitics focus was global dueling with British for territory and influence (aka the Great Game, which was only put on hold for WWI ).

In early 1860's Russia was trying to stir up things just enough to distract Britain and France from interviewing on behalf of the Polish Independence movement. CSA vs USA was just a forth level pawn of minor intrigue.

Assuming that a Pro Russian Influencer group today wouldn't under sell any legitimate Russian accomplishments , there was 1 ( one) Russian Officer served with Union Army . Not imeadately clear if quasi official exchange , or just as a private Adventurer .

Meanwhile large numbers of other Foreign serving on both sides . Some temporary, some very fresh immigrants. Notably British , Irish , and German.

So ok . Russian influence during Civil War was greater than zero , but very minor and indirect compared to Support from France and Poland during the Revolutionary War .