
The Risk of WMD Terrorism from a Homegrown Violent Extremist


Founding Member
This article briefly analyzes the security threat of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and how to prevent attacks on public infrastructure by homegrown violent extremists. The research assessed the probability of a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear terrorism incident and further assessed its effectiveness by examining past case studies of similar events.

The Risk of WMD Terrorism from a Homegrown Violent Extremist


IMO, besides the known ANFIA organization, if you consider the potential consequences of the 1.8M+ (and increasing) foreign "get-aways" illegal aliens coming across the borders could be "home-grown" once they establish themselves in the US Interior, then the risk and probability described in this article is ever higher.

My .02
I have done what I could to prepare our kids family and my nephews. My brother in law/best friend asked me to take care of his boys so I made them and my daughter's family all "shooting kits" consisting of a carbine, shotgun and handgun and ammunition. I taught them to shoot and how to set up a well Stocked pantry. I keep after them but in the end it's now up to them.

I have spent the past several years teaching them hunting skills and they seem to be learning well. I have already outlived all my family other than my mother, I won't be around too long I figure. That and the fact our daughter lives an hour away, on a good day, and my wife's health means that in this scenario they are basically most likely on thier own. I smbtoonold snd too far away to be thier protector any more. As far as my wife and I, we have had a good ride if we don't make it through.
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