
The Truth Behind the Russian Ammo Ban


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How do the political machinations putting the importation of Russian ammunition in question affect the American shooter?

The Truth Behind the Russian Ammo Ban

Depends on the shooter.

No impact on my end…I have deep stocks of steel, as worst-case rounds…but otherwise, I don’t buy it.

And as far as boosting other prices—that’s from stupid, panicky, knee-jerk reaction buyers. Idiots, there.
Although it’s a valid point that when steel shooters can’t get it they will start buying the stuff I use.

Also, as we know, panicky, knee-jerk reaction buyers abound. That’s the reason why a $350 case of 5.56 is currently about $800 and was as high as $1200 not long ago. $16/box for 9mm when it was $8 in 2019. Couldn’t find a box of 12 gauge shells at one point. Still can’t find Federal Flite Control anywhere.
Although it’s a valid point that when steel shooters can’t get it they will start buying the stuff I use.

Also, as we know, panicky, knee-jerk reaction buyers abound. That’s the reason why a $350 case of 5.56 is currently about $800 and was as high as $1200 not long ago. $16/box for 9mm when it was $8 in 2019. Couldn’t find a box of 12 gauge shells at one point. Still can’t find Federal Flite Control anywhere.

But that’s not really the ban’s fault…it’s a failure of intellect in the panic buyers.

How do the political machinations putting the importation of Russian ammunition in question affect the American shooter?

The Truth Behind the Russian Ammo Ban

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won't affect me.

yes, i did buy maybe about 300 rnds during the Great Pandemic of 2020 for plinking purposes, but i don't anymore. too much (to me) BS about it damaging the extractors from one side to it's perfectly ok to use, on the other side.

when i bought mine, it was way cheaper than brass ammo...then the steel ammo prices spiked as high as the brass...

so where was the cost savings after that..??

But that’s not really the ban’s fault…it’s a failure of intellect in the panic buyers.

Yeah. Except the part about the guys who can't get cheap steel anymore buying my brass cased stuff.

Nevertheless, even though we aren't steel guys that's no reason to support the government banning it. That'd be like me saying people having to register their AR pistols as SBRs isn't the ban on pistol brace's fault. All they have to do is conform to my way of thinking and stick the tube on their face and Bob's their uncle.
At least the silver lining in this whole Russian ammo ban is that Palmetto State Armory is gearing up to start producing steel cased commie caliber ammo in America which will provide more jobs for US citizens .
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At least the silver lining in this whole Russian ammo ban is that Palmetto State Armory is gearing up to start producing steel cased commie caliber ammo in America which will provid more jobs for US citizens .
as long as it is made in a 2A friendly state(s). you just know with the pull out of S&W soon from Mass, people will most likely not want that in thier backyard.
No he doesn't support it, he's just being pragmatic about the causes of the "Shortage".
Fair enough, but we used to live in a free market economy where we could go to the store and get we wanted. 90% of the populace was used to that. Now things have changed a little...and ammunition is one thing some people think about first, second, third...(first should be water, then food, then shelter...). There are more of us "gun" people than we might realize...many of whom do NOT stockpile ammo for their firearms (I do, and so do most of those reading this). Now that we have a real and existential threat to the availability of ammo, can we be surprised? Is it a lack of intellect? I don't know, but it's normal and expected when prices start to sky-rocket, people panic-buy. Especially when the leader of our country publicly announces something as asinine as a ban on Russian-made ammo.

Sorry for that, but the market response is not a lack of intellect...it is normal supply and demand...
No, I’m not.

But the chicken littles who panic and have to start buying all the ammo they can hoard are the biggest problem in driving up prices.

They are the problem.
I wouldn't say it's just panic buyer's that are grabbing everything. I've always had a decent amount of ammo stocked and on hand but when the first reports of Covid starting popping up all over the news I knew this had the potential for ammo shortages and increased prices that could last a long time so I doubled up on all my ammo just prior to the lockdowns so I could still enjoy shooting during the shortage and not worry about breaking the bank doing it.

I definitely wasn't panicked, I was just making sure I could still do the activity that I enjoy most during lean times.
I wouldn't say it's just panic buyer's that are grabbing everything. I've always had a decent amount of ammo stocked and on hand but when the first reports of Covid starting popping up all over the news I knew this had the potential for ammo shortages and increased prices that could last a long time so I doubled up on all my ammo just prior to the lockdowns so I could still enjoy shooting during the shortage and not worry about breaking the bank doing it.

I definitely wasn't panicked, I was just making sure I could still do the activity that I enjoy most during lean times.

And when all the other gun buyers do that exact same thing (make sure they get theirs)…no more ammo.

If nobody had that knee-jerk reaction…there’d still be ammo on shelves.

And when all the other gun buyers do that exact same thing (make sure they get theirs)…no more ammo.

If nobody had that knee-jerk reaction…there’d still be ammo on shelves.
I for one had only recently got into 5.56 and didn't have any. So I wasn't hoarding it at those prices. I did buy a crap ton when it came back down to semi reasonable prices. Like 1200 rounds for $575 if you call that reasonable. I'm good on pistol calibers, but all the classes eat up a lot of it. I replenish when I catch it for sale at reasonable prices.

12 gauge ? Not panic buying, but just par for the course. I go through ridiculous amounts and I always have. That ain't changing anytime soon.