
Third day in Detroit area this week


Third trip down to Detroit area this week for wife's Dr appts. Ugh it's one place I never get used to, and the traffic is terrible.

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South Dallas
South Houston
And parts of San Antonio are the exact same way. Every state has a “Detroit”
Yep and I would feel the same there, mine just happens to be the original...

Then there is Flint another contender for most dangerous and Saginaw which had the lively distinction years ago if being the first city to have Mail service stopped for a time due to robberies of SSC and pension checks.
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Yep and I would feel the same there, mine just happens to be the original...

Then there is Flint another contender for most dangerous and Saginaw which had the lively distinction years ago if being the first city to have Mail service stopped for a time due to robberies of SSC and pension checks.
Well for many years STL and Detroit went back and forth for murder capitol of the country. I suspect when most people abandoned Detroit about a decade ago the numbers left you guys running behind us.
Downtown in most big cities are sketchy. Here’s a problem I see with the law, even in 2A friendly states. You can’t take a weapon into a courthouse or government facility with security. I understand that. The problem is you have to park and get to the facility walking through not real friendly parts of town. You can’t carry while on the way to the government facility. And a lot of people don’t like leaving their weapon in their vehicle, so they may be unarmed for the entire trip. There should be a check in station at government facilities where CCW holders can check their weapons on the way in. I have to go into government buildings for work from time to time and wind up having to leave my weapon locked in the car. Not optimal…
Downtown in most big cities are sketchy. Here’s a problem I see with the law, even in 2A friendly states. You can’t take a weapon into a courthouse or government facility with security. I understand that. The problem is you have to park and get to the facility walking through not real friendly parts of town. You can’t carry while on the way to the government facility. And a lot of people don’t like leaving their weapon in their vehicle, so they may be unarmed for the entire trip. There should be a check in station at government facilities where CCW holders can check their weapons on the way in. I have to go into government buildings for work from time to time and wind up having to leave my weapon locked in the car. Not optimal…
Absolutely agree.