
This is just so sad how Hackman and his wife died

we were talking about that the other day, maybe one had expired and the other was so over wrought they just sat down and passed
at least we know now it was not foul play or anything
dam what a way to check out, that is heartbreaking, loose your wife and suffer from the horrible Alzheimers then most likely had no idea she was gone
just horrible
Me too. I'm sure it starved to death. That can't be pleasant.
we had a guy here a few years ago that passed in his easy chair and his dog was trapped in the house with him
let me say it took out several deputies ( vomiting)when they saw the body and the dead dog
we are rural, no coroner...just an on call funeral home person.
guy had started sliding off the the chair and was missing part of a foot they suspect the dog ate.

only reason he house was entered was the stink was so bad and they finally traced it to his house
it was unreal
it bothers me that no one knew they were gone days on end
I'm glad my daughter checks on us everyday via text. If we forget or are slow to respond we get a phone call.
My folks are in their mid 80s and dad has full on dementia. I check on them twice a day and I spend one day on the weekend and every Thursday night with them. Actually I come and hang with my dad on Thursday night while my mom bowls. 83 years old and she still bowls on a league. She gets about 4 hours a week where she isn't taking care of my dad. And it's always rough because he absolutely hates it. He does not like her not being with him. She tried taking him with her, but about a half hour into it he wants to go home. My sister isn't much help even though she literally lives 5 miles from them. I live about 40 miles south of them.

Anyway, It's great she checks on you. She's a good daughter. :)
My wife's dad just died recently from dementia. My M-I-L insists on staying home alone (she has said she was waiting for her dead husband to come home), and fell at home last week. Her other daughter had just left, and didn't call her that evening like she usually does.

Their mom ended up on the floor until the next day.

She just got transferred from the hospital to a rehab/care place.

Everybody feels guilty that they didn't check on their mom often enough.
The last time my parents came to visit, I could sense my dad, a retired detective, had dementia. He was in his early 80s. My mother never properly cared for him. Years later he was in the hospital and riddled with cancer, yet was in good spirits and with full on dementia. I knew he had but weeks to go. He wasn’t in pain and left 3-4 weeks after cancer diagnosis. I was with him when he passed. Today my mother, whom still has her wits, lives in a self imposed exile at 89. I regret many things about my parent’s and my relationship. Like Hackman, the lone issue I know I will be facing at some point is the call I will receive from the coroner when my mother has already passed for some time.
Everybody feels guilty that they didn't check on their mom often enough.
Called my mother at least once a day, spent weekends with her, took her everywhere we went so she could get out. Did the same for my mother-in-law before that. Sometimes I still think we could have done more, and I know the Mrs. dose also.
There is no winning. God Bless everyone that takes care of their elderly.
Called my mother at least once a day, spent weekends with her, took her everywhere we went so she could get out. Did the same for my mother-in-law before that. Sometimes I still think we could have done more, and I know the Mrs. dose also.
There is no winning. God Bless everyone that takes care of their elderly.
i think many of us will have guilt feelings of, "did i do enough, could i have done more"

most likely the most well known feelings in the world.
I am with you powerboatr. My folks are in their 80's and I was blessed with the ability to buy a house in the same neighborhood. So now I just tell them I am bored in retirement (that is a lie!) so I stop in to visit a lot, like when I am out walking. It is a good system.
i messed up and bought land for them next to me, they were supposed to be traveling willburys when they came back from Australia .... got em a big bus and everything
that lasted about 4 years and dad got bad with diabetes and lost his leg 15 months ago
but he is putting one legged pirates to shame now