
This Old Gun: Colt Detective Special

Good story on a old Colt, the Colt Detective Special

That Colt Detective special was the only gun that ever made me shaky and nervous to no end. Back in the early 90's I was consulting to the Milwaukee Police Department. I worked with like a half dozen detectives in a 6th floor office at the police headquarters downtown. One of the detectives was an older guy, months away from retirement. He carried one of these Colt .38 snub nosed revolvers.

Now picture this. In the office, no one wore their suit coats. So, everybody's holstered guns were obvious. This older detective just loved to stop and talk to me every few days at my desk. The thing that bothered me about his snub nose was that he had it in a shoulder holster, but his holster was way too small for the gun. I'd be sitting at my desk and he'd come over and park his butt right next to me, sitting on my desk, then he'd start his gabbing. I had a difficult time listening to him because my eyes NEVER left his snub nose. As he talked, he'd lean over and I swear that gun would wobble and teeter, always just about darn near falling out. How could I listen to what this guy was saying when all I could do was worry about that gun falling out, hitting the hammer on my desk or the floor, then POW, I'm history!

No thanks, but if I ever see another Colt .38 snub nose Detective Special, it'll be too soon!
I don't know if the Detective Special had different internals than my '52 4" Colt Official Police, but my OP has a trigger block on the hammer/pin. If the trigger isn't pulled, the pin does not protrude through the hole to the primer cap, regardless of an external hammer strike.
That Colt Detective special was the only gun that ever made me shaky and nervous to no end. Back in the early 90's I was consulting to the Milwaukee Police Department. I worked with like a half dozen detectives in a 6th floor office at the police headquarters downtown. One of the detectives was an older guy, months away from retirement. He carried one of these Colt .38 snub nosed revolvers.

Now picture this. In the office, no one wore their suit coats. So, everybody's holstered guns were obvious. This older detective just loved to stop and talk to me every few days at my desk. The thing that bothered me about his snub nose was that he had it in a shoulder holster, but his holster was way too small for the gun. I'd be sitting at my desk and he'd come over and park his butt right next to me, sitting on my desk, then he'd start his gabbing. I had a difficult time listening to him because my eyes NEVER left his snub nose. As he talked, he'd lean over and I swear that gun would wobble and teeter, always just about darn near falling out. How could I listen to what this guy was saying when all I could do was worry about that gun falling out, hitting the hammer on my desk or the floor, then POW, I'm history!

No thanks, but if I ever see another Colt .38 snub nose Detective Special, it'll be too soon!
Don’t know what this means against the Colt, sounds like the person wearing it that way was the issue and not the Colt itself.
Don’t know what this means against the Colt, sounds like the person wearing it that way was the issue and not the Colt itself.

My relating that story about that near retired MPD detective was more of a humorous tale. The detective was an older guy and to me, I was amazed that his .38 never did fall out from it's holster. Sometimes I wonder if he deliberately wore it so loose just to get me going, looking for my reaction.

The cop'ers I worked with were always up to something. My desk faced a wall. One day another cop'er snuck up from behind me with a blown up paper bag in his hands. Yep, as soon as he got behind me, he smacked it making a loud bang. That darned near lifted me six inches out of my chair.

Another time, three of us went out to lunch in an unmarked squad. Two detectives sat in the front seat and I got in the back. When we got to the restaurant, they got out of the car while I looked around for a door handle. There was none, and no way to get a window down either! Dummy me sat in the back cursing a blue streak and after a few minutes, they came back and let me out!

Yet another time, they almost got me a good one. I was there when the infamous Jeffrey Dahmer was brought in. Our 6th floor was divided into three areas. the first third was all 911 operators. The middle third were jail cells. The third I was in was their information technology center. One day they asked me if I'd like to see a jail cell. Stupid me said; "Sure!" Well, no sooner did I get to an empty cell's entrance when the two detectives giving me the "tour" tried shoving me in one. I grabbed onto the door bars so tight to prevent them from locking me up, they couldn't budge me! I had no interest in giving them the pleasure of pulling another one over on me!

I did get one of them real good though. When Dahmer was arrested, they put all the collected evidence (desk top computer and refrigerator) into the property room located in the basement of the building. We had a female cop'er that was sent down to do a forensic evaluation of Dahmer's computer. Now before she went down, I had heard other guys saying that the fridge had stunk up the property room as it smelled like a dead body. That made a light go on in my head. I took special note of what that female detective was wearing that day when she went to do her forensics.

Now I paid close attention as to when she might wear that same dress again. A couple of weeks went by but finally she wore that same dress again. I clued everyone in as to what I was up to. A few of us were standing around the coffee table in the morning when she strolled up for a cup. When she did, I looked at her and asked; "Were you back in the property room working on Dahmer's computer again, 'cause you sure smell like a dead body!" Her face dropped. Astonished, she said that she couldn't believe her dress still smelled. She said she washed it herself, then even sent it out to the dry cleaners to be sure. Now she was ready to throw it in the trash! That's when we all broke up and clued her in on the joke. Her dress didn't have any smell whatsoever!

No doubt the Colt .38 snub nose was/is a great weapon. For me, it just brings back some fun memories!