
Today is the 50th Anniversary of the last combat troops leaving South Vietnam


Today, the nation recognizes National Vietnam War Veterans Day on its 50th Anniversary of the last combat troops leaving South Vietnam. Remember to thank those who served our country during the Vietnam War. The Memorial Wall can be found in Washington D.C. at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Credit for image is given to The Department of Defense.

Today, the nation recognizes National Vietnam War Veterans Day on its 50th Anniversary of the last combat troops leaving South Vietnam. Remember to thank those who served our country during the Vietnam War. The Memorial Wall can be found in Washington D.C. at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Credit for image is given to The Department of Defense.

I enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1976, right after Vietnam. I joined the Marine Corps because I sensed I needed what the Corps offered. I also joined because I was around several Vietnam Veterans growing up and they were awesome people. They worked hard and treated people right. They didn't talk much about their time in Vietnam but when they did, it was painful.

I had the privilege and honor to be mentored by several Vietnam Veterans while I was in('76-'79). If I am a good man it is because of the time these fine men took to teach me. To make me feel part of something bigger than me. And for that I am grateful beyond words.

God Bless the Vietnam Veterans and their families. They served in some of the worse conditions ANY American soldier served in. And in my opinion, they never got the respect from some of the public they deserved.