
Today marks the anniversary of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

I’m not much of a knowledgeable WW history buff but occasionally I’ll watch those History Channel shows. Last night one had a piece on the Japanese Balloon Bombing campaign that I absolutely knew nothing about or ever recall being mentioned - even in light of the many recent recent China Spy Balloons allowed to fly freely across and monitor country by Mr PotatoHead.

The 1944-45 Fu-Go attacks were quite a terroristic maneuver considering not only reaching the Manhattan Project Hanford site WA with explosives, knocked out power lines to the facility, some of these balloons include ones fitted with incendiary devices and dropped to start forest fires.
(Side note - is this old warfare ploy now being exercised today by climate terrorists or foreign entities? e.g. Canadian and US forests fires and the attacks on the Bonneville Power Admin)

On May 5, 1945 one of the thousands of the Japanese balloons released, +300 of which that reached the USA, was discovered and exploded killing 6 civilians on a picnic outing in southwest Oregon.

We had an answer then.
Don’t mess with the U.S. was a big deal once.
We don’t have that respect anymore.
God Bless America 🇺🇸
Coincidentally, I'm reading a book right now about Russian spies during WWII, their infiltration of Project "Tube Alloys" and then the subsequent move, and huge expansion of the project to become "Project Y" at Los Alamos. Two of the key players in that espionage were Germans who had fled Nazi Germany and relocated in Britian during the war. They were passionate communists, spying for Russia. At the time, Britian, the U.S. and Russia were allies, and they saw nothing wrong with making sure that Russia had all that information as well (even though the U.S. and Britian were already dead-set against sharing nuclear development secrets with Russia).

Fascinating chapter in espionage history, and we all know how that played out after that war.
problem solved.jpg
I’m not much of a knowledgeable WW history buff but occasionally I’ll watch those History Channel shows. Last night one had a piece on the Japanese Balloon Bombing campaign that I absolutely knew nothing about or ever recall being mentioned - even in light of the many recent recent China Spy Balloons allowed to fly freely across and monitor country by Mr PotatoHead.

The 1944-45 Fu-Go attacks were quite a terroristic maneuver considering not only reaching the Manhattan Project Hanford site WA with explosives, knocked out power lines to the facility, some of these balloons include ones fitted with incendiary devices and dropped to start forest fires.
(Side note - is this old warfare ploy now being exercised today by climate terrorists or foreign entities? e.g. Canadian and US forests fires and the attacks on the Bonneville Power Admin)

On May 5, 1945 one of the thousands of the Japanese balloons released, +300 of which that reached the USA, was discovered and exploded killing 6 civilians on a picnic outing in southwest Oregon.

We had an answer then.
Don’t mess with the U.S. was a big deal once.
We don’t have that respect anymore.
God Bless America 🇺🇸
We had a rather unique bombing plan also , never came to fruition but it was seriously tested. Given that It would gave been equally indiscriminate in the heavily wooden Japanese cities its probably just as well it did not happen.
My best friend, guitarist and the guy I sold my business to ( after I trained him) when I took a straight job 11 years ago, is Japanese. Well, half Japanese and half red neck. His dad was a redneck from about a mile from where I sit now and brought his mom back from Japan when he was stationed there in the 60s. His dad is dead, but his mom lives in Japan. I met her a few times. She's a trip. Constantly bumming cigarettes off people.

Anyway, every Dec 7th I threaten to kick him in the balls.
People tend to forget/overlook the fact that if the Allies had opted for a land invasion of Japan instead, there would have been many hundreds of thousands dead, on both sides. It would have been brutal, island by island, as the Japanese were dead-set against surrender. They were literally passing out sharpened bamboo sticks to civilians, and training them how to use them, in preparation for an invasion.
I’m not much of a knowledgeable WW history buff but occasionally I’ll watch those History Channel shows. Last night one had a piece on the Japanese Balloon Bombing campaign that I absolutely knew nothing about or ever recall being mentioned - even in light of the many recent recent China Spy Balloons allowed to fly freely across and monitor country by Mr PotatoHead.

The 1944-45 Fu-Go attacks were quite a terroristic maneuver considering not only reaching the Manhattan Project Hanford site WA with explosives, knocked out power lines to the facility, some of these balloons include ones fitted with incendiary devices and dropped to start forest fires.
(Side note - is this old warfare ploy now being exercised today by climate terrorists or foreign entities? e.g. Canadian and US forests fires and the attacks on the Bonneville Power Admin)

On May 5, 1945 one of the thousands of the Japanese balloons released, +300 of which that reached the USA, was discovered and exploded killing 6 civilians on a picnic outing in southwest Oregon.

We had an answer then.
Don’t mess with the U.S. was a big deal once.
We don’t have that respect anymore.
God Bless America 🇺🇸

Our secret bomb project.
I’m not much of a knowledgeable WW history buff but occasionally I’ll watch those History Channel shows. Last night one had a piece on the Japanese Balloon Bombing campaign that I absolutely knew nothing about or ever recall being mentioned - even in light of the many recent recent China Spy Balloons allowed to fly freely across and monitor country by Mr PotatoHead.

The 1944-45 Fu-Go attacks were quite a terroristic maneuver considering not only reaching the Manhattan Project Hanford site WA with explosives, knocked out power lines to the facility, some of these balloons include ones fitted with incendiary devices and dropped to start forest fires.
(Side note - is this old warfare ploy now being exercised today by climate terrorists or foreign entities? e.g. Canadian and US forests fires and the attacks on the Bonneville Power Admin)

On May 5, 1945 one of the thousands of the Japanese balloons released, +300 of which that reached the USA, was discovered and exploded killing 6 civilians on a picnic outing in southwest Oregon.

We had an answer then.
Don’t mess with the U.S. was a big deal once.
We don’t have that respect anymore.
God Bless America 🇺🇸

Pretty sure the firebombing campaigns in Tokyo (which killed a LOT more people than Fat Man or Little Boy did) made the point.

Hiroshima & Nagasaki were more about getting the Nipponese to surrender without a requiring invasion than anything else. Claiming it was some type of “payback” is ridiculous in the face of actual facts.

And saying we had that “respect”? Woefully ignorant of history…North Korea had no fear of messing with us. Nor did North Vietnam. Or Cuba. Or Iran. Or Hezbollah. Or…